Socket Programming in iOS: A Step-by-Step Guide with SignalR

Medet Dönmez
5 min readNov 12, 2023

Welcome to the world of socket programming in iOS with SignalR. In this article, we’ll explore how to seamlessly integrate real-time data communication into your iOS applications. Whether you’re new to iOS development or an experienced programmer, this step-by-step guide will provide you with the tools and insights needed to enhance your apps with efficient, real-time functionality using SignalR. Let’s get started on this journey to elevate your iOS development skills.

Step 1: Integrating SignalR-Client-Swift into Your Project

To begin, the first crucial step is integrating the SignalR-Client-Swift library into your iOS project. This library, available on GitHub, provides the necessary tools to establish and manage socket connections in Swift. Here’s how to add it to your project:

  1. Visit the GitHub Repository: Navigate to SignalR-Client-Swift on GitHub to access the latest version of the library.
  2. Clone or Download: You can either clone the repository to your local machine or download the source code directly from GitHub.Integrate into Your Project:
  • If you prefer Swift Package Manager, you can add the package dependency via Xcode by selecting File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and entering the repository URL.
  • If using CocoaPods, add pod 'SignalR-Client-Swift' to your Podfile and run pod install.

By completing this step, you’ll have successfully integrated the SignalR client library into your iOS project, setting the stage for real-time communication capabilities.

Step 2: Setting Up the HubConnection with Custom Socket URL

Once you have the SignalR-Client-Swift library integrated, the next crucial step involves setting up the HubConnection in your Swift class. This connection is key to establishing communication with your server. Here's how to properly configure it:

  1. Import the Library: Start by adding the SignalR-Client-Swift library to your class.
import SignalRClient

2. Declare the HubConnection Variable: Introduce a variable to hold your HubConnection.

var chatHubConnection: HubConnection?

3. Configure the HubConnection: Now, initialize and set up the chatHubConnection. The livechatURL should be replaced with the URL of the socket you intend to connect to. Customize the settings based on your specific requirements:

if let livechatURL = URL(string: "Your Socket URL here") {
self.chatHubConnection = HubConnectionBuilder(url: livechatURL)
.withLogging(minLogLevel: .debug)
.withHttpConnectionOptions(configureHttpOptions: { httpConnectionOptions in
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
httpConnectionOptions.skipNegotiation = true
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions

Note: Replace "Your Socket URL here" with the actual URL of the socket you're connecting to. This setup allows you to tailor the logging level, transport types, and other connection options according to your needs. The skipNegotiation is an important setting for optimizing connections on iOS 13 and later.

By following these steps, you’ll have a HubConnection configured in your class, ready to handle real-time communication in your iOS app, connected to your specified socket server.

Step 3: Initiating Connection and Handling Communication

After setting up your HubConnection, the next steps involve initiating the connection and handling the communication flow. This involves starting the connection, invoking methods on the server, and handling incoming messages.

  1. Start the Connection: Begin by starting the connection with the server.

2. Invoke Methods on the Server: To interact with the server, you use the invoke method. This can vary based on your server's implementation. For example:

self.chatHubConnection?.invoke(method: "StartConversation", "Your_token", "start", invocationDidComplete: { error in
if let error = error {

Remember, the method name (“StartConversation” in this case) and its parameters are specific to your server’s implementation and should be adjusted accordingly.

3. Handling Incoming Messages: Listening and responding to messages from the server is crucial. Here’s an example of handling a “ReceiveMessage” event:

self.chatHubConnection?.on(method: "ReceiveMessage", callback: {(_: String, message: String) in
// Handle the received message
// Example: Decoding the message and updating the UI

Remember, the method name (“ReceiveMessage” in this case) and its parameters are specific to your server’s implementation and should be adjusted accordingly.

In this example, messages are decoded and then used to update the UI. The exact handling will depend on the structure of your data and the requirements of your application.

By following these steps, you establish a robust flow of communication between your iOS app and the server. This includes initiating the connection, sending commands or requests to the server, and handling the responses or messages you receive, all tailored to the specific protocols and data formats of your server.

Step 4: Properly Closing the Connection

The final step in managing your socket connection with SignalR in iOS involves properly closing the connection. This is a critical aspect to ensure resource efficiency and maintain the integrity of the communication channel. Here’s how to gracefully handle this:

  1. Stopping the HubConnection:To terminate the connection, use the stop method:

This method ensures that the socket connection is closed cleanly, preventing any potential resource leaks or other issues related to improper disconnection.

Notifying the Server of Disconnection (Optional): Depending on your server setup, you might need to inform the server explicitly that the client is disconnecting. This is typically done by invoking a specific method. For example:

self.chatHubConnection?.invoke(method: "EndOfChat", "endOfChat" invocationDidComplete: { error in
if let error = error {

Note: The method name and parameters (“EndOfChat” and its arguments in this case) are examples and should be replaced with those relevant to your server’s API. Not all implementations will require this step, but it can be crucial for some server configurations to manage client connections effectively.

By following these steps, you ensure that your iOS app’s socket connection is terminated properly and cleanly. This not only maintains good server-client communication practices but also optimizes resource utilization in your application.

In summary, we’ve explored the essentials of using SignalR with Swift for socket programming in iOS. This guide covered everything from integrating the library and establishing connections to handling messages and closing connections. Keep in mind, the techniques discussed here can be tailored to fit the specific needs of your iOS applications. As you apply these concepts, you’ll unlock new possibilities in creating interactive and real-time features for your users.

