Mercer County(NJ) Schools Reopening Plans Fall 2020

3 min readAug 10, 2020

By: Medha

Online or in-person?

It’s not easy to plan school re-openings and satisfy everyone during these uncertain times. With varied opinions from “we should open schools” to “let us not take risks and stay with online option only.” It’s a tough call!

Kudos to school authorities for planning every single detail out to keep students safe.

As we get ready for Fall school sessions, I was fascinated with the media coverage and peer group discussions on school readiness to reduce COVID risks. I studied data across Mercer county schools and found some exciting and innovative themes.

First, getting the basics in place…

From the study, I found that most of the schools are covering essential precautionary items like:

  • Hybrid learning (online and in-classroom)
  • Mandatory masks,
  • Hand sanitization stations,
  • Plexiglass shields,
  • Social distancing in classes and hallways
  • Increased time to get to classes
  • Cleaning high touch areas between classes
  • Maximizing the usage of outdoor spaces
  • Rotating groups
  • Food take-outs

However, what stood out is that some schools have come up with some innovative ideas further to enhance the security of students during these COVID times. Table 1 below provides some extra measures being taken by some schools, which I believe can be considered by all schools in the community.

Table 1: Advanced measures by some of Mercer county schools
Table 1: Advanced measures by some of Mercer county schools

And, now to innovate to reduce risks further…

  • Motion sensors in school: Imagine sensors in your school washrooms. Yup! It’s happening at the Lawrenceville School. These sensors will be an investment but will drastically reduce the risk of transmission as students and staff will not have to open the tap to wash hands.
  • Changes to dress code: The Hun School has said that they will be making changes to the existing dress code. There aren’t any specific details about the changes- but I believe it’s safe to assume the changes would include wearing masks/face shields and gloves.
  • Siblings in the same group: All the schools have planned a hybrid model and have decided to divide students into “equal” groups, to reduce the total school strength per day. However, East Windsor Regional Schools have thought of a creative addition- place siblings in the same group. Smart! That way, siblings follow the same in-person or online schedule and reduce the risk further.
  • Mandatory online day per week: Princeton Regional Schools, while following the hybrid model, have decided two days in the week: Wednesdays for elementary schools and Fridays for middle and high schools, where irrespective of the group number- students will attend online classes on these days. This will give teachers time to plan lessons for upcoming weeks and enable deep cleaning of the building.
  • More classrooms: Peddie School has decided to convert any available campus place into classes to reduce classroom density.

Schools are ready to welcome students back on campus this Fall. While school authorities don’t have all the answers, they are certainly doing their best to ensure the safe and healthy return of staff and students this Fall.

Wishing everyone a safe, healthy, and happy academic year ahead!

Works Cited

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