Joe Biden in action, said — ‘No need to be afraid of nuclear war’, will give fighter plane to Ukraine

Medhaj News
3 min readMar 2, 2022


Ukraine War

New Delhi | US President Joe Biden has dismissed fears of a nuclear war following Russia’s decision to put its strategic forces on high alert amid Moscow’s attack on Ukraine. When asked by a reporter whether Americans should fear nuclear war, Biden replied with a ‘no’.

On Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered that his country’s resistance forces, which contain nuclear weapons, be placed on the highest alert.

Conflict with nato

The Kremlin justified its decision on comments by British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, who was quoted by Sky News as saying that unless Putin is stopped in Ukraine, other countries in Eastern Europe will be at risk, leading to NATO ( conflict with NATO. Putin cited “illegitimate sanctions” against Russia and “offensive statements” from Western officials as the basis for his decision.

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed on Monday that Russia’s ground units armed with intercontinental ballistic missiles as well as ships of the Northern and Pacific Fleet were placed on high combat alert following a presidential order. The submarines of the Russian Navy are equipped with nuclear missiles.

These countries imposed a ban on Russia

After the attack on Ukraine, Russia is facing tough sanctions from many countries including US, UK and EU member states. Putin has declared that Moscow has two major military objectives — Ukraine’s neutral status, which means the country cannot be part of any military alliance. Russia has ensured that the new Nazi groups, which are staunchly anti-Russian, became part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

One such neo-Nazi group is the Azov Regiment. The unit is part of the National Guard of Ukraine based at Mariupol in the Azov Sea Coast. All its members are fighters, who have come from 22 countries. The group played a major role in the 2014 Maidan Square ‘Revolution’. This revolution brought down a duly elected government in Ukraine. Its ‘volunteer battalion’ is engaged in fighting against pro-Russian separatists in the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine.

Despite the fighting, the diplomatic track between Russia and Ukraine remains open. Delegations from the two countries held their first meeting, which lasted five hours, on Monday at a location close to the border with Ukraine in Belarus. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s adviser, Mykhailo Podolik, said the main objective of the talks was to discuss a ceasefire in Ukraine. He said a number of priority topics have been identified on which “certain solutions have been designed”.

Possession of land

Vladimir Medinsky, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, confirmed that the two delegations have occupied points on which common ground can be reached. Medinsky said the next round of talks would take place on the border between Belarus and Poland in the coming days.

French President Emmanuel Macron and President Putin once again had a telephone conversation on Monday. In Eastern Europe, three NATO countries — Poland, Bulgaria and Slovakia — have entered the fray more strongly. According to a Facebook post by the Ukrainian military, the trio will deliver more than 70 Soviet-era MiG-29 and Su-25 aircraft, which may be based at Polish airfields.

Ukraine’s statement said, “Our partners gave us MiG-29s and Su-25s! If necessary, they can be based at Polish airfields, from where Ukrainian pilots can conduct combat missions. can.” Breaking News



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