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How do you decide what cause to support?

Medhavi Gupta
7 min readFeb 5, 2018


Some questions to ask yourself when choosing where to donate or volunteer

As much as we would like to solve every problem in the world, we have limited amounts of time and money. But, the kids! And the environment! And what about those abandoned dogs? We make challenging decisions between different causes we care about, and different organisations we trust.

A great place to start is by assessing your own preferences and values, so you know what causes best suit your personal code of ethics. Here are some questions I often ask myself before deciding.

What are my values?

When it comes to choosing between causes, there are differences in how problems are solved. These differences may resonate differently with you depending on your values. Here are some questions you can ask yourself that might help you identify which cause works for you:

How important is it that people choose their own paths to prosperity?

This question asks how strongly you believe people need to be guided to services that are best for them.

For example, many charities provide specific services to the poor, such as providing mosquito nets or giving food handouts. These organisations are running a…



Medhavi Gupta

PhD Scholar in Global Health | Indian Australian | Avid Reader | Advocate | Food Lover | Friendly Devil's Advocate