visit bhutan

Ritu priya
4 min readSep 12, 2023


Nestled in the Eastern Himalayas, the Kingdom of Bhutan stands as a living testament to the preservation of culture, environment, and happiness. This landlocked country, often referred to as the “Land of the Thunder Dragon,” is a haven for travelers seeking an authentic, unspoiled experience. In this blog, we embark on a virtual journey through Bhutan, exploring its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and unique way of measuring success — Gross National Happiness.

Breathtaking Landscapes

Bhutan’s natural beauty is truly awe-inspiring. The country boasts pristine landscapes ranging from lush forests to rugged mountain peaks. One of the must-visit destinations is Paro, a picturesque valley that is home to Bhutan’s only international airport. Here, the iconic Paro Taktsang, or Tiger’s Nest Monastery, perches precariously on the edge of a cliff, offering breathtaking views and a sense of spiritual tranquility.

As you venture further into Bhutan, you’ll encounter the fertile Punakha Valley, with its terraced rice fields and the stunning Punakha Dzong, a magnificent fortress that serves as both a religious and administrative center. The lush greenery and serene atmosphere make it a perfect place for nature lovers and peace seekers.

In Bhutan, the great outdoors beckon. The country is home to numerous trekking trails, including the famous Snowman Trek, one of the world’s most challenging treks, winding through high mountain passes, remote villages, and pristine wilderness. For those seeking less strenuous adventures, there are shorter treks like the Jhomolhari Trek, which offers glimpses of Bhutanese rural life and stunning views of the sacred Jhomolhari Mountain.

Cultural Riches

Beyond its natural beauty, Bhutan’s culture is equally captivating. The Bhutanese people take immense pride in their traditions and heritage, and this is evident in every aspect of their daily lives.

One of the most striking elements of Bhutanese culture is its architecture. Dzongs, or fortress monasteries, are scattered throughout the country and serve as centers of both religious and secular authority. The intricate woodwork, vibrant paintings, and imposing structures make these dzongs architectural marvels. The Tashichho Dzong in Thimphu, Bhutan’s capital, is a prime example of this stunning architecture and serves as the seat of Bhutan’s government.

Bhutanese festivals, or “tshechus,” offer a glimpse into the country’s vibrant culture. These colorful celebrations feature traditional dances, mask performances, and religious rituals. The Paro Tshechu, held annually in the spring, is one of the most famous festivals and draws visitors from around the world.

Bhutanese cuisine is a delightful fusion of flavors influenced by Tibetan, Indian, and Chinese culinary traditions. A staple of Bhutanese cuisine is “ema datshi,” a spicy chili and cheese dish that is both flavorful and fiery. Be sure to try “momos,” delicious dumplings stuffed with vegetables or meat, and “suja,” a salted butter tea that provides warmth and sustenance in the chilly Himalayan climate.

Gross National Happiness

Perhaps the most unique aspect of Bhutan is its commitment to Gross National Happiness (GNH) as a measure of success and well-being, rather than Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The GNH concept focuses on the holistic development of individuals and society, emphasizing factors such as spiritual, physical, and mental well-being, environmental conservation, and cultural preservation.

Bhutan’s dedication to GNH is evident in its policies. The government prioritizes education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability. The country has also implemented a strict policy of regulating tourism to minimize the negative impact on its culture and environment.


A journey through Bhutan is a transformative experience that leaves a lasting impression on the heart and soul. From its stunning landscapes to its vibrant culture and unique approach to measuring happiness, Bhutan stands as a shining example of how a nation can prioritize the well-being of its citizens and the preservation of its natural and cultural heritage.

As we conclude our virtual journey through Bhutan, we are reminded that there are still places in this world where tradition and nature coexist harmoniously, and where the pursuit of happiness takes precedence over material wealth. Bhutan invites you to explore its hidden treasures, immerse yourself in its rich culture, and discover the true meaning of happiness in the Land of the Thunder Dragon.

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