Have you heard about CeDeFi?

4 min readOct 5, 2022

The drawbacks of the conventional financial system and centralized cryptocurrency exchanges are overcome by decentralized finance (DeFi). Nevertheless, despite its originality, it still cannot be widely adopted since it lacks the governance and liquidity of centralized systems. Thus, a grafted system called the CeDeFi, or centralized decentralized finance, promises to address this issue by fusing cutting-edge blockchain technology with institutional-grade custodianship.

The CeDeFi idea is a little difficult to grasp. DeFi’s fundamental ideas may appear to be in opposition to centralized authority, however these models can work well together. We’ll explain how CeDeFi systems operate and why centralization is a big trend in the cryptocurrency market to help you make sense of everything. What is CeDeFi and how does it operate, then?

What is CeDeFi?

CeDeFi, which is centralized and provides the same capabilities as DeFi protocols, enables users to access DeFi products such as decentralized exchanges (DEXs), liquidity aggregators, yield farming tools, and lending protocols while retaining the benefits of CeFi systems.

CeDeFi initiatives tend to be more centralized than DeFi, which has no access restrictions and may be used by anybody. They frequently have only one or a limited number of rulers, which gives them more power (similar to a CeFi).

Basically, the term “centralized decentralized finance” (CeDeFi) refers to a combination of centralized and decentralized financial systems. According to Gartner, CeDeFi refers to developed DeFi applications used by conventional, centralized financial firms. A combination of centralized financial infrastructure, regulatory controls, and decentralized financial technology (DeFi) might be a more true term, nevertheless.

To be more clear, lets learn about CeFi and DeFi!

DeFi and CeFi

Peer-to-peer (P2P) financial transactions can be carried out using the DeFi suite of blockchain-based technologies, which are built on secure distributed ledgers. Due to the use of self-executing algorithms known as smart contracts in place of third-party intermediaries, users can exchange cryptocurrencies and digital assets without them. DeFi essentially replaces the conventional financial model with an open-ended, modular framework that lacks a centralized authority.

DeFi in its current form is a long way from being mass adopted. We can highlight three main reasons:

Non-compliant network. DeFi apps are tempting to larger organizations because they lack institutional-grade transaction analysis, custodial services, regulatory protection, and proper audit.

Security vulnerabilities. The ecosystem is more vulnerable to errors and hackers when there are no laws in place. In 2021, theft and fraud accounted for $10.5 billion of the $12 billion in DeFi exploits, according to the Elliptic research.

Small liquidity pool. Just over $1 billion in daily volume was processed by Uniswap, the most well-known decentralized exchange, in 2022. Compare it to the volume of trades on centralized cryptocurrency platforms like Binance ($21 billion) or the NASDAQ stock market (up to $400 billion).

CeFi is a term used to describe cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance and Gemini, where all financial transactions are handled by a single central authority. Users on centralized platforms have less control over their cryptocurrencies because the service holds their assets and private keys, but these platforms offer greater regulatory protection.

The intermediate answer might involve combining CeFi businesses with DeFi offerings. This strategy maintains the user’s sovereignty while adding some authority and additional liquidity to decentralized crypto exchanges.

The CeDeFi ecosystem’s benefits:

  • Higher liquidity. Scaling DeFi infrastructures will likely be aided by integration with centralized cryptocurrency exchanges or traditional financial markets with market capitalizations exceeding $100 trillion.
  • Smooth deployment: DApp developers can swiftly integrate their applications and take use of cross-chain functionalities.
  • Access to cryptocurrencies was made easier. There will be additional trading opportunities as a result of integrating DeFi apps with centralized finance. To increase their earnings, users can investigate additional cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), liquidity aggregators, lending protocols, and yield farming tools.
  • Governance at the institutional level. Large enterprises may manage intricate supply chains, reconcile different databases, and confirm the provenance of transactions with the use of audit tools offered by CeDeFi solutions.
  • Increased Security. Custodial services make sure platforms only use safe blockchain networks, which lowers the risk of fraud. Users will continue to enjoy greater privacy than they did on centralized platforms in the past. Instead of submitting personal documents, traders could instead use independent self-sovereign identity (SSI) systems to confirm their identity.
  • Cutbacks on transaction fees. The majority of transaction processes are automated by CeDeFi exchanges using smart contracts, with no participation from conventional financial institutions. This means that the transaction fees will probably be just as minimal as those on the majority of DeFi platforms.

Cryptocurrencies and other digital assets are already being incorporated into applications by the bigger financial institutions. According to Gartner’s estimate from 2021, 20% of businesses will employ cryptocurrencies by 2024 for high-yield investments in DeFi as well as payment and value storage. CeDeFi could actually hasten its adoption because it addresses the primary drawbacks of decentralized crypto.

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