For a better tomorrow

3 min readJun 15, 2020


authored by Divya Priyadharshini Mohan

The whole world was locked behind doors, and the economies came to rest in the year 2020. COVID -19 scared 8.4 billion people at the same time and locked billions of people across the globe inside their houses. Nearly 6.5% of Indians lost their job, businesses came to a standstill, 45% of Indians reported reduced pay, GDP of the country downgrade from 5.3% to 2.5% and the lives of the common public was so affected badly[1]. Besides, thousands of human lives are lost in this pandemic.

Changes in the Environment

Despite all the negative impacts of COVID -19, the pollution levels of the country were reduced. India has 21 out of 30 world’s most polluted cities. The pollution particle PM2.5 has plummeted since the lockdown. Reports say Delhi is seeing clear sky after a decade because of reduced pollution. Siliguri, a Punjabi village has a clear vision of the Himalayan range. The air quality indexes are improving and soon most polluted cities like New Delhi will have good air quality before the lockdown ends.

Air pollution, energy efficiency

Due to lesser human intervention, some wild animals are seen roaming the locked down cities. Many have uploaded pictures in social media about how the lives of birds, animals, and sea creatures have changed. Turtles laying eggs in the Mumbai beach, wild alligators roaming Cochin streets, birds singing every morning, and peacocks crossing the empty roads are some instances that show a change in the environment. Clearer water has improved fish lives and dolphins are seen closer to the coasts than before.

Sustaining the change

Positive changes in the environment are so warm and welcomed by everyone. Environmentalist says that this good change will be sustained only based on our choices after lockdown. It is sure there will be a rise in air pollution once economies are open, but if people choose sustainable options, the rise in pollution can be controlled. If we lack heed towards the issue of pollution, there will be lockdowns for pollution control. We cannot escape pollution problems by wearing masks, washing hands, or improving our immunity. The cost of environmental reparations will be costly and consequences will result in the economy collapses.

Environmental researches have said that pollution can still be kept under limits if people choose to use sustainable products. Our choices are very important and to assist us with the right product, government agencies like BEE have a 5-star rating. The ratings indicate the most energy-efficient product. We can afford a green plant just by choosing some green products over regular ones. Eco-conscious choices are alternatives to keep our planet healthy. The following are the benefits of 5 stars rated products:

1. High service value (higher outcome for every watt that is spent)

2. Better energy efficiency than regular products

3. Lesser electricity is consumed and eventually lesser pollution.

In India, there are over 50 Cr ceiling fans and every year 7 CR is being sold newly. These ceiling fans create a huge electricity demand of nearly 16000MW on average. The maximum electricity demand of Tamilnadu per day is 16000MW (SLDC report dated 12.05.2020). Huge, isn’t it?

This huge demand can be reduced by 5 star rated appliances with their energy efficiency. Superfan is such a 5 star rated product, which means that Superfan ceiling fans are more efficient than other fans. For instance, by switching to Superfan BLDC ceiling fans from regular fans, nearly 10,000MW is saved for the country in a year. This 10,0000 MW is equal to power 3 major districts like Coimbatore, Nilgiris, and Tirupur for four days! Such a huge power saving impact from the air, water, and land pollution on a large scale. By saving this extra 10,000MW that is wasted on regular ceiling fans:

We save 1200tonne of coal used!

We reduce 1700tonne of CO2 emitted!

We save 1700 kilolitres of water that is wasted!

You can also read in detail about the above-mentioned savings in our previous blogs.

One small change in the choice of product has such a huge impact on society. Change to eco-conscious products. Change for the environment!






Superfan is a super energy efficient ceiling fan that consumes only 35W of electric power. It is India’s first super energy efficient ceiling fan.