RoadBounce Media
4 min readJul 2, 2018


More like, the road ‘in’ 2025.Today, Technological advancement can be seen in almost everything around us, from a tiny chip to automobiles and heavy machinery, but hardly anything is done to roads. As far as indian roads are concerned, we first have to think about the EXISTANCE of roads. Some roads are beautifully constructed like The National highway to Goa. It is a pleasurable drive, but at the same time, lots of areas are not well networked like small towns and most of it is not paved yet.
Anyway, we are talking about the future so lets take a look at it.There are individuals coming up with numerous amounts of ideas to improve the road conditions and avoid harm and accidents. If you imagine what it would look like in the year 2025, the possibilities are limitless. ​

  • Daan Roosegaarde — Studio Roosegaarde

Well known for his innovative projects fusing technology with energy, has inspired depictions of future roads. E.g. The Van Gogh Smart Path. The VAN GOGH PATH is a part of SMART HIGHWAY, which are interactive and sustainable roads of tomorrow by Daan Roosegaarde and Heijmans Infrastructure. Its goal is to make smart roads by using light, energy and information that interact with the traffic situation.

  • Solar Roadways

A US startup ‘Solar Roadways’ is a modular system of specially engineered solar panels that can be walked and driven upon. These panels contain LED lights to create lines and signage without paint. They contain heating elements to prevent snow and ice accumulation. The panels have microprocessors, which makes them intelligent. This allows the panels to communicate with each other, a central control station, and vehicles. SR panels are made of specifically formulated tempered glass, which can support the weight of semi-trucks. The glass has a tractioned surface which is equivalent to asphalt.

  • Piezoelectric energy roads (expected year -2020, trialled country-Israel)

Piezoelectric crystals can generate energy from the vibrations that vehicles generate as they drive along the road. IPEG is a piezoelectric device that can be embedded in sidewalks, roads, railway beds and airport tarmacs to capture the energy created from traffic. Unlike other renewable energy sources, piezoelectric technology integrates with existing infrastructure, requiring no additional real estate.

  • Glow in the dark road markings-(expected year-2023, Trialled country-Netherlands)

Road markings are painted in ‘glow in the dark’ paint, so that they can be seen without the need for lights.

  • Intelligent Interactive Highway system –

The automated highway system is defined as “a lane or set of lanes where specially equipped cars, trucks and buses could travel together under computer control (Rillings, 1996).” It is one aspect of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), which apply electronics, computers and control technology developed for aviation, the space program and defense to the improvement of highways vehicles and public transportation. Automated highway systems combine magnetic sensors, computers, digital radio, forward- looking sensors, video cameras, and display technologies.

  • Wireless electric vehicle charging-(expected year-2018, Trialled country- Brabant, Netherlands)

Using “inductive power transfer” (the same method by which electric toothbrushes are charged) electric cars can be charged wirelessly as they travel along the road. Removing the need to stop and refuel, ever.

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RoadBounce Media

Mobile Technology to identify Road Condition and Traffic Safety Indicators.