Overcoming the Obstacles of Indian Visa Rejection in the USA


Indian Visa Rejection in the USA

Overcoming the Obstacles of Indian Visa Rejection: The number of Indian applicants who have had their requests for US visas denied has significantly increased in recent years. As obtaining a US visa has grown more difficult, this trend has alarmed both individuals and the Indian community.

It’s important to comprehend the difficulties Indians have getting US visas for a number of reasons. It highlights the economic and social repercussions of visa denials, sheds light on the altering immigration laws and practices that specifically affect Indians, and offers suggestions for overcoming these difficulties.

For many years, Indians looking for better opportunities, employment, and education have been drawn to the United States. However, obtaining a US visa has become more difficult for a variety of reasons, leading to an increase in denials. To address the issues, it is crucial to delve further into the causes of these denials and consider potential solutions.

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What Are The New Challenges for Indians Refusing US Visas?
According to the information available, some of the trends and factors that have contributed to the rising number of visa denials for Indian applicants include:

In some visa categories, such as H-1B work visas, L-1 intra-company transfer visas, and B-1/B-2 visitor visas, there has been a noticeably higher rate of visa denials for Indian applicants.

Denial rates for H-1B visas have been relatively high in recent years for Indian nationals, who make up a sizable portion of the applicant pool. Indian H-1B petitions for initial employment were denied at a rate of about 24% in FY 2019, compared to a worldwide denial rate of about 12%.

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Gehis Immigration and International Legal Service

Gehis Immigration offers a full-service approach to U.S. immigration that notably encompasses far more than the preparation of visa applications and petitions.