There’s A New Transportation Boss Emerging…and well…he’s 16?

Image Provided By Dwaine Govan

SAFETRIP co-founder Langston Whitlock means business as it relates to transportation. The 16 year old prodigy has drafted a $1.9 Billion Dollar proposal for City Leaders to improve traffic using SAFETRIP technology as a public utility. With the guidance of his fellow C-Suite Executives, Langston plans to pitch his “Traffic 2.0” transportation project to Atlanta City Council Members in the coming weeks.

This transportation overhaul comes weeks after Amazon decided to pass on moving it’s headquarters to Atlanta. A decision that was largely due to traffic and connectivity issues throughout metro Atlanta.

Although young, he’s no stranger to the transportation field. He comes from a lineage of Department of Transportation (GDOT) executives, engineers, and foremans. Recently inducted into the prestigious Forbes 30 Under 30 2019 Class for his insight on AI Technology, Mr. Whitlock could be a future transportation billionaire with the option of skipping college.

SAFETRIP has carved its niche in the healthcare transportation rideshare field. Tackling other sectors of transportation is a part of their massive expansion plan. A 83 page document that was blasted to editors via a secure proxy. We will be monitering the positive (or negative) outcomes and updating our loyal readers accordingly. SAFETRIP “user” and “driver” apps are available in all app stores.

Image Provided by SAFETRIP Inc.



Erin Goldsberg, Senior Contributor

For the past 18 years, I’ve dedicated my life to the art of story telling. Articles that inspire, uplift, and provoke thought…follow the journey.