Scholar Talks — Sinjasan

Media PlayNity
5 min readJun 16, 2022

Who are the most important members of the CommuNity? Without any doubt, our Scholars! To acknowledge and celebrate all their contributions, love of gaming, and hard work they’ve given to the CommuNity, we would like to present to you a new series called Scholar Talks.

Every edition, one of our amazing Scholars will be chosen by the team to be featured in the latest article of this series.

We hope to give you an insight into who stands behind our CommuNity and makes it as great as it is!

Without further ado, it’s time to meet our first protagonist — Sinjasan who is one of our guild’s top players! Let’s get to know his story and learn how the Play To Earn trend changed his narrative for good!

Hi Sinjasan! Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself?

Hey! I’m Christian Joseph L. Taborda. I’m 22 Years old, and I live in the Pearl of the Orient Sea — Philippines. I’m the type of guy who won’t give up easily and the guy who always accepts reality. Keep my head up, accept the challenges, but don’t lose hope, and keep moving on. My life is just like climbing a mountain, facing so many challenges, and I will never ever stop until I will reach my goal.

Wow, that sounds very motivating! What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I enjoy interacting with, and caring for others. It is my responsibility to make them feel safe, comfortable, and cared for. That’s the thing that motivated me to choose nursing as a career. Also, I maintain my health and fitness, so I love cycling and lifting dumbbells. I’m also interested in learning new things about life, for example, the history of other countries. I love to travel by bike and go to the mountains and beaches.

Now let’s dig a little bit more into the Play To Earn gaming. How did you first get interested in this topic?

Well, I learned and discovered P2E games during the pandemic. The first reason why I’ve decided to start playing P2E games is because I think it is one of the most intriguing aspects of the ever-expanding cryptocurrency space, allowing gamers to receive rewards for their knowledge, skill, and talents in each specific game mode. While playing as a scholar, I can use my earnings to pay my school fees, and I can spend the remaining budget to buy my own NFT like Pegaxy, for example, to have my own rare horses.

And why did you decide to join the PlayNity Guild?

At first, I didn’t know that PlayNity existed until someone randomly invited me to join. I don’t remember who that person was but thanks to him/her I found the best guild that I’ve ever joined. As I remember, I joined Playnity on November 13, 2021. I’m so happy about it! At PlayNity you’re surrounded by nice people, especially Koli. As long as you do your job and do your best, you will be rewarded more than what you’re expecting. With PlayNity there are a lot of opportunities that await you. I do believe PlayNity will become one of the biggest guilds in the future.

We’re so glad to hear that! As you’ve already mentioned Koli, I wanted to ask you, how do you get along with our Game Managers?

I do enjoy cooperating with the game managers. I’ve learned a lot of useful tips from them, especially during live streams on PlayNity discord channel. They give a lot of advice on how to improve on NFT games. For example, while streaming a game called Thetan Arena, they provided knowledge about the gameplay before even giving scholarships to people aspiring to get them. Also, moderator and influencer Gabil also streams Axie Infinity providing knowledge and tips to those new to the game. I apply the tips from them while playing the game and it works really well for me.

Can you share with us some of these tips?

At the moment, my favorite game so far is Thetan Arena. This game, in terms of the gameplay, has a lot of similarities with League of Legends, Dota 2, etc. To have a high score in this game, you and your teammates need communication. You need to be a good listener. If you are playing against a team that is slightly better skilled than your team, you guys can still win, if you communicate better. But, you should promote positive communication and respect among other players. This will improve overall motivation. Secondly, you should know the game properly. Not only skills count but also knowledge. Like in Thetan Arena, you should know the game mechanics first. Each gameplay mode is different. You should know your role properly, and you should understand your hero’s skills. You should know the arena well, so you can think, and approach with a strategy to triumph in the game. Another tip when you’re playing solo/duo — there’s nothing wrong when you’re hiding in the first place, use bushes, and cover wisely. With this tactic, you can plan for surprise attacks or get away from enemies. Lastly, don’t forget to enjoy the game!

Thank you for the tips and a lovely chat! It’s amazing to be able to change the perspective and look at the PlayNity guild through the eyes of the scholars themselves!

We hope that you’ve enjoyed reading this article and learning more about Sinjasan!

We’re happy to be able to spread such enthusiasm and positivity coming from our CommuNity members. Through their passion for gaming and learning, it’s hard not to notice how many growth possibilities await you through active participation in our guild’s endeavors.

To learn about the journey, motivation, and passion of some of our best Scholars, make sure to follow our socials, and keep an eye for the next edition of Scholar Talks coming soon.

Until next time, CommuNity!

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Media PlayNity

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