Media Blackout’s latest release Sandy H ft. Magnus — “And Then There Was You” is a memorable collaboration between Sandy H, a synth-wave loving french girl and Magnus, a Swedish vocalist with a knack for crafting the perfect hook.

Media Blackout
5 min readJan 25, 2017

If you don’t know Sandy H, we’ll forgive you. She’s a relative newcomer to the scene, even if it doesn’t sound like it. She’s a bit of a mystery. French born with a knack for taking you back in time through her synthwave sensibilities. Unlike many producers in that genre, she also has a wonderful ability to translate that into more modern and subtle packages. This release of ours is a little bit genre bending, making proper use of all of those influences.

SB: You are currently living and producing in France. Where did you grow up?

I grow up In Bordeaux, in the South West of France. (Where do you live now? What is it like there?)

Who is the doing the kind of creative work that inspires you the most. Feel free to give references that aren’t even musical. Fashion, design, architecture… whatever inspires you!

I’ve always be inspired by British producers Stock Aitken Waterman, Kylie Minogue. They are so talented and their catchy pop songs sounded so good to my ears. I was a 80’s teenager, they were very popular in France and Mike Stock is still my biggest influence. two years ago I’ve discovered once again on Soundcloud, Ben Macklin, Emma Brammer, Le Flex, Mogul, talented musicians.

What inspired you to begin your journey into music.

I started music when I was 7 years old playing on a little keyboard that we had. I taught myself everything that I heard on radio and television. Years later, I took music lessons.

Do you consider yourself a hybrid producer/engineer/writer?

Yes, I think I’m a producer, engineer maybe, because I like to do everything — EQ, Compression, FX. I think I need to learn more about it . A write I am not. I can write lyrics without music but stick together music and lyrics it’s not something I can do easily .

What is your process like? What’s your technique for getting to that sound that you love as quick as possible?

I always like to start with chords, drums patterns, a melody before moving on to the arrangement.

Being a creative my whole life, I tend to work more in the evenings than I do in the mornings, but I know many other successful artists that are the complete opposite of me. Are you a night owl?

I compose when I have time, evening most of the time.

You have worked with Magnus a few times in the past. He always delivers beautiful and soulful vocals. How did the two of you hook up?

I discovered some tracks by Moodblanc on Soundcloud. I loved Magnus’ voice immediately, and sent an e-mail if I could remix one of his songs. He said yes! :)

When I composed “And Then There Was You” it was just an instrumental version and I wanted Magnus on a record so I sent him the music and he found the melody, lyrics and recorded his amazing vocals. He sent me the acapella, and then I mixed the whole track at home . I’ve never met him, but I hope to one day!

She’s teamed up with Magnus before.
Media Blackout alumni Le Flex and Ben Macklin showing off their taste for remixers.
This is where you will find Sandy H, late at night.
That’s a colorful mix.

I see that you are a fan of Apple’s DAW Logic Pro. I’ve always loved the sound of Logic. I know this is illogical, but to me, Logic’s internal summing engine always seemed to have more headroom, and a sweetness about it. What are the things that you love about Logic?

Have a few plug in I always use like : Retro Synth / FM8 / Waves … Waves plug in, have the best quality

The arrangement view Sandy H & Magnus — “And Then There Was You”

Do you have more things in the works that you are excited about?

Yes, absolutely ! remixes with Tony king, he worked as remixer at PWL studios with Stock Aitken Waterman, this guy gave me the chance to remix Sybil song and since we done more remixes to come up soon. Also some new musics, collaborations maybe.

It’s just about time to wrap up this interview, but before we go I want to give Toricos a bit of love for his work on the remix of “And Then There Was You”. When I heard the original I knew he would be a great fit to reimagine the track for the package, and we found his remix has really added a whole different dimension. How did you feel about his rework?

I love what Toricos has done, his remix has some ambient sounds with house drums, it’s a different version and Magnus voice is perfect!

One of the best parts of running a label is that I get to know the uber-talented people labor over our releases. The artists and I share a passion for creativity and technology — so it’s especially fun for me to get to see behind the curtain a little and learn more about how they got to be who they are. Keep an eye out for more interviews and behind the scenes with some of our favorites artists.

Find out more about Sandy H, Magnus and Toricos, and keep up to date with his latest work with all of the glorious links below:

Sandy H:



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