Joints vs Blunts vs Spliffs: A Full Comparison

Media Buyer Group
8 min readSep 16, 2023


If you’re a cannabis enthusiast, you’ve probably explored different methods of enjoying your favorite herb. Among the most popular options are joints, blunts, and spliffs. While they all involve rolling ground cannabis flower, they each have their distinct characteristics and offer unique smoking experiences. In this article, we’ll delve into the key differences between joints, blunts, and spliffs, helping you choose the method that suits your personal preferences.

Let’s start with joints. Thin Rolling paper, made from materials like rice paper or hemp, are the go-to choice for creating joints. They typically don’t contain any tobacco, allowing you to experience the pure flavor of cannabis. Joints are known for their simplicity and require no special equipment. You simply roll your ground cannabis into the paper, twist one end, and you’re ready to light up. Joints are favored by many cannabis smokers for their convenience, ability to control the ratio of cannabis, and the smooth smoking experience they provide.

On the other hand, blunts involve rolling ground cannabis with cigar wraps or tobacco leaf wrappers. This combination of cannabis and tobacco imparts a unique and distinctive flavor profile to the smoking tobacco experience. Popular brands like Swisher Sweets offer hollowed-out cigar wraps designed specifically for rolling blunts. The little tobacco content in blunt wraps adds both nicotine and an extra kick, giving smokers an energetic feeling. While some cannabis enthusiasts enjoy the flavor and experience blunts provide, others may find them too harsh or dislike the mixture of little cannabis and tobacco.

Now, let’s talk about spliffs. Spliffs are a hybrid of joints and blunts, combining ground cannabis with a mixture of tobacco and rolling papers. Spliffs offer a middle ground for those who want to experience the flavor of cannabis while still enjoying the added buzz from tobacco. The ratio of cannabis to tobacco can vary based on personal preference. Spliffs provide a unique smoking experience that caters to those who enjoy the combination of flavors and effects.

One of the major differences between joints, blunts, and spliffs lies in the smoking culture surrounding them. Joints are a staple in cannabis culture and are often associated with the traditional methods of smoking just weed. Blunts, on the other hand, have gained popularity in mainstream culture, thanks to their association with hip-hop and rap music. Spliffs, while not as well-known as joints or blunts, have a dedicated following among spliff smokers who appreciate the unique blend of cannabis and tobacco.

What is a joint — Rolling Paper

Cannabis joints are a simple yet convenient way of taking it wherever you go for an enjoyable experience. They contain marijuana wrapped in a thin roll of paper typically white and come in many colors and even different flavor combinations.

The standard paper size is 1 / 4, 1 1/2, wide, and the standard paper size and it can be thin, ultra thin and broad as well. Rolling papers is also available in flavors like grape — cherry — chocolate or more and is also manufactured from hemp rice paper and flax. It has a variety — different variations.

Smoking Joints

Joints rolled with light, thin paper burn quicker compared with blunted. Although joints contain weed and have a higher quality than others, smoking an emu is much faster. Joints are much lighter than blunt and can be smoked nearly anywhere. In addition you may add some tobacco or other leaves to make a spray.

What is a blunt — Smoking weed

A blunt is a rolled marijuana inside a cigar or a blunt packaging. It is made up of tobacco which helps you boost your high with smoking cannabis. These usually go bigger than joints and spliffs and will last longer. Blunt wraps are typically sold in grocery stores and are usually 1–1/2 — packable. It’s usually flavoured. You can even open a cigar, empty them or use their wrapping to make blunts. Cicarillos, like Swishers Sweets, Philadelphia or Dunkel & Mild, are also good for blunts.

How to Roll a Blunt

Rolling a blunt is a popular and traditional method for smoking cannabis. It involves using a cigar wrap or a tobacco leaf to hold the ground cannabis. If you’re new to rolling blunts or simply want to perfect your technique, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to roll a blunt like a pro.

1. Gather your materials: To roll a blunt, you’ll need a cigar wrap or a tobacco leaf, ground cannabis, and a grinder (optional). It’s also helpful to have a lighter or a torch handy.

2. Prepare the wrap: If using a cigar wrap, carefully split it open by cutting along the length with a sharp knife or scissors. Remove the tobacco from the wrap, being careful not to tear the outer shell. If using a tobacco leaf, trim it to the desired size, ensuring it’s large enough to hold your cannabis.

3. Grind your cannabis: If you prefer a consistent burn and an easier rolling experience, use a grinder to grind your cannabis to a uniform consistency. This will also make it easier to fill the blunt evenly.

4. Fill the blunt: Spread the ground cannabis evenly along the length of the blunt wrap or tobacco leaf. Be mindful of the thickness, as overpacking may lead to a difficult rolling process.

5. Roll it up: With your thumb and index fingers holding the wrap, gently tuck one edge over the cannabis while applying light pressure. Use your other hand to roll the wrap back and forth, shaping and packing the cannabis.

6. Seal the blunt: Once the cannabis is neatly rolled inside the wrap, moisten the edges of the wrap with saliva or water. This acts as a natural adhesive to seal the blunt. Gently press the moistened edges together and smooth out any wrinkles.

7. Optional step: For a tighter seal and added aesthetic, some people choose to use a piece of cardboard or a filter at the end of the blunt. This helps to prevent loose cannabis or ash from entering your mouth while smoking.

8. Dry and light: Allow the blunt to dry for a few minutes before lighting. This helps to set the seal and prevent the unraveling of the blunt. Once dry, use a lighter or torch to carefully light the end of the blunt, then inhale and enjoy.

What Are Spliffs?

Spliffs, a term popularly used in the cannabis culture, refer to a unique combination of tobacco and cannabis rolled together into a joint. Unlike blunts, which use a tobacco wrap, spliffs are typically made with a mixture of cannabis and tobacco inside a joint paper.

The key difference between a spliff and a joint lies in the addition of tobacco. While joints contain only ground cannabis, spliffs incorporate both tobacco and cannabis in varying ratios, depending on personal preference. The ratio of cannabis to tobacco can range from equal parts to more tobacco than cannabis.

How to Roll a Spliff

Rolling a spliff is a skill that many cannabis enthusiasts have mastered. Whether you’re new to spliff rolling or looking to improve your technique, here are some steps to help you roll a perfect spliff.

1. Gather your materials: To roll a spliff, you will need ground cannabis, tobacco, rolling papers, and a filter (optional). It’s important to choose high-quality rolling best papers that suit your preference — some popular options include joint papers made from rice or hemp.

2. Prepare the blend: Decide on the ratio of cannabis to tobacco that you prefer. Some people prefer equal parts, while others may lean towards more tobacco than cannabis. It’s all about finding the balance that suits your taste. Mix the ground cannabis and tobacco together thoroughly, ensuring an even distribution of both ingredients.

3. Prepare the rolling paper: Take a rolling paper and hold it between your fingers with the glue strip facing up. This strip is used to seal the spliff after rolling. If you prefer to use a filter, insert it at one end of the paper.

4. Fill the paper: Start by sprinkling the cannabis-tobacco blend along the length of the rolling paper, leaving some space at one end to create the tip. Use your fingers to shape the blend into a cylindrical form, ensuring an even distribution.

5. Shape and tuck: Using your thumbs and index fingers, gently roll the paper back and forth to shape the blend into a tight cylinder. As you roll, tuck the flap of the paper closest to you under the blend, using your thumbs to keep it in place.

6. Roll it up: Continue rolling, applying even pressure with your fingers as you go. Be careful not to tear the paper as you work your way up. Once you’ve reached the glue strip, lick it and seal the spliff by pressing the glued edge onto the rest of the paper.

7. Twist the tip: With the spliff rolled, you can now twist the tip to secure the contents. This step is optional, but it can help prevent any loose material from falling out while smoking.

8. Finishing touches: Now that your spliff is rolled, you can proceed to light it up and enjoy. Many spliff enthusiasts recommend lighting the spliff evenly across the end before taking your first puff.

What is the difference between joints and spliffs

The major differences between joints and spliffs extend beyond the ingredients. Smoking a spliff offers a distinct smoking experience due to the combination of cannabis and tobacco. The presence of tobacco introduces nicotine into the equation, which can provide an energizing feeling and an extra kick for those who enjoy the sensation.

Spliffs are a popular choice among smokers who appreciate the taste of the tobacco and enjoy the combined effects of cannabis and nicotine. Additionally, some individuals prefer the smoother burn and slower pace that spliffs offer compared to pure cannabis joints.

Burn Time of Blunts Vs. Joints

The burning time varies depending upon how much weed you are putting in the joint. A decent marijuana joint should be between 15 and 30 mins in length. Taking a joint with one gram or more marijuana takes 15 minutes. Inhalations of the joint can increase the burn rate. A blunt burn lasts longer than a joint and may last 25min.

Health and Effects

Joints or blunts can make a significant difference between people having tobacco and non-cigarette smokers. In some cases, using marijuana in combination or alternating with alcohol can lead to a more difficult and dangerous withdrawal. The cigarette industry is a key contributor in the rise of the cigarette market. Those who consume cannabis in combination may also have lung health problems.

FAQ blunt vs joint

Do blunts feel different than joints?

A slower burn makes sharing with a friend simple. Blunts with tobacco may produce an enjoyable buzz of tobacco smoke. This faster burning gives a smoother effect. Keep blood levels below the threshold.

What’s better a joint or a blunt?

However because the joints contain weed (as well as weed quality), smoking joints can cause highs more quickly than other forms of weed. Joints have much higher flexibility than blunts and can be sprayed pretty much anywhere.

Are blunts stronger than joints?

The smell of smoke is stronger than that from cigarettes, Blunds that contain tobacco are more likely to cause the smoke to sting with the tobacco taste. The issue is similar to smoking cigarettes. It even increases the risk of nicotine addiction compared to those who prefer joint usage.

