Content Marketing Is Big. Can MEDIA Protocol Make It Better?

MEDIA Protocol
4 min readJun 4, 2018


A 2017 study by Ofcom shows that 48% of UK adults are using the internet as their main source to access the news. So it should be no surprise that Content Marketing is huge news right now.

In the age of ad blockers, marketers are turning to targeted and innovative marketing techniques to prevent the consumer from clicking away. It’s more important than ever for brands to provide transparent, valuable content.

The very aim of Content Marketing is to provide the valuable, relevant and consistent content the consumer demands. Content that is designed to attract and retain an engaged and clearly defined audience.

And it’s clearly working.

87% of UK marketers reported using Content Marketing in a recent survey by Content Marketing Institute with 67% characterising their Content Marketing as successful.

What Are The Flaws In Traditional Content Marketing?

Is traditional Content Marketing without its flaws?

In the wake of the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal there is more focus on third party data storage and handling. The online community is more wary than ever about what is done with both their profile information and that of their ‘friends’. A lack of transparency about how data was collated and used has led to a growing unease with targeted ads.

Data is becoming one of the most valuable resources in the world.

This means that centralised systems are prime targets for cyber attacks, leaving them vulnerable to hacking and data breaches.

Accurate and verified data is the key to successful marketing. Analytics are only as useful as the data they are operating on. With such a high volume of data collected it’s inevitable that a portion of it is discarded as there isn’t the processing power to handle the amount.

This can lead to inconsistent and incomplete data being recorded. Marketers are missing the whole picture. We’ve explored this in more detail in our Blockchain Marketing ProgrammeMEDIA Protocol, Marketing And Blockchain — Part 4.

So, How Can MEDIA Protocol Improve Content Marketing?

Blockchain technology has been a huge breakthrough for cryptocurrency. It can also be utilised for transparent and honest marketing.

The strength of the blockchain lies in the ability to perform transactions without requiring a third party. Instead, a decentralised peer-to-peer network creates a clear digital footprint that cannot be tampered with and can be analysed to provide verified and usable data.

Safe, Secure And Transparent

A decentralised system means that everyone is free to view the information held.

It’s completely transparent and accessible to all.

The lack of a single point of failure means that the records cannot be changed from a single computer, and any alterations are recorded and visible to everyone.

Increasing Your Time And Cost Efficiency

MEDIA Protocol offers a direct contact between creators, publishers and consumers. This not only keeps any data safe and secure, but also reduces the timescale in achieving verified and usable data.

Consumers’ search history is utilised, which means content can be directly tailored to the audience, quickly and efficiently allowing for the creation of high-quality and engaging interactions.

The direct link forged between creator and consumer reduces the need to source influencers and form multiple small relationships, each costing both time and money.

Instead, MEDIA Protocol encourages users to continue sharing within their own networks, effectively allowing them to become influencers and gain rewards for their influence, by incentivizing interactions with content.

Verified, Real Data

Every single transaction is recorded on the blockchain. So, any data deemed to have been tampered with is removed automatically. Any bots or spiders are immediately excluded, leaving instead a mine of usable data.

Data that can be utilised to its fullest potential without the need to weed out the bad information benefits both creator and consumer. The more accurate the data, the easier it is to create innovative and engaging media.

Rewarding The Consumer

MEDIA Protocol creates a new economic model that rewards consumer engagement, adding even more value to mindful interactions.

Consumers are rewarded with MEDIA Protocol’s native cryptocurrency, MEDIA Tokens (MPT) for interacting with incentivized content.

Viewing, reading, liking, commenting, or sharing a piece of content is rewarded, allowing the consumers to become influencers themselves.

MEDIA Tokens are earned by meaningful interaction and can then be used to access premium content or make in-app purchases within the MEDIA Protocol ecosystem.

As proof of concept, MEDIA Protocol created CryptoCatnip, a news aggregator that exclusively features cryptocurrency and blockchain content. Users can currently earn testnet MEDIA Tokens, which could potentially turn into real MPT, as they swipe left, or right, through the latest crypto news.

Bigger And Better

The evidence is clear. Content Marketing is big.

It’s a big deal for brands. Big marketing budgets are allocated to it. Big data is gained from it.

But can it be better?

MEDIA Protocol’s new ecosystem certainly offers food for thought.

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MEDIA Protocol

MEDIA Protocol is a transparent blockchain content sharing system. People value content. We add value to great content with MEDIA tokens.