Do You Really Get What You Pay For When You Advertise Online?

MEDIA Protocol
3 min readApr 27, 2018


You only have to look at the adverts in your browser, or dotted throughout your social media timeline, to be aware that online advertising is big business.

What you might not realise is quite how big.

According to, in 2017 online adverts accounted for $223.74 billion in revenue. That’s over 38% of total media spending.

The question is: Are advertisers getting what they are paying for?

What Does All That Money Buy You?

Essentially, you’re purchasing the directing of traffic to your site or social media channels. At any given time there are consumers, waiting out there, ready to click on the next appealing link that catches their eye.

There are two main ways offered to achieve this:

  1. Pay Per Click, which does exactly what it says;
  2. The Channel Pricing Model, which puts your ads in front of people a certain amount of times, tracking the ‘impressions’ made.

You buy advertising space.

The traffic generated should generate leads for you to convert.

Deceptively simple, right?

Does That Work?

Up to a point. You should see your site clicks and impressions rise with the increased traffic. But what happens when those rising numbers don’t generate rising sales figures in turn?

The Flawed Model

What is the click you’re paying for actually worth when up to 50% of clicks are accidental, according to BusinessInsider?

Do the page impressions count if the people seeing them aren’t really people at all?

As comScore have discovered, 36% of online traffic is suspicious or non-human. That is to say, generated bots that mimic the behaviour of the ideal potential clients you’re hoping to attract.

Unfortunately, those bots are just clever bits of code on a server somewhere, and they’re not going to follow through and buy your product or service.

Is reaching less than two-thirds of the audience you were promised an effective way of advertising? Especially when you’re being charged for those inflated, bot-generated totals?

Is There An Alternative To Existing Online Advertising Packages?

With MEDIA Protocol, yes there is.

By decentralising the advertising industry from the grip of third party intermediaries, MEDIA Protocol-enabled platforms can cut out the inefficiency and overpayment, and get transparent data that means exactly what it says it does.

Forget inflated stats. Rely on tracked, quantifiable data.

Not only can you be sure there’s a real person interacting with your site, you can also find out exactly how they use it.

MEDIA Protocol is set up in a way that rewards consumers for engaging with brands. It fosters direct relationships between those brands and potential new customers.

The MEDIA Protocol model is straightforward for the publisher and the consumer alike. Using MEDIA Tokens, the native cryptocurrency, each site can set a predetermined reward value for consumers who engage. Tracked through its URL, you then gain all the relevant information on what that person did and reacted to, all uploaded in a useful format to the blockchain.

What Value Does MEDIA Protocol Bring To The Table?

While consumers earntokens as they engage with your content, you learn valuable information about your customers, and what they want or expect from you.

No more shouting into the void at bots who won’t ever make a purchase. Accidental clicks won’t swell the numbers and skew the response rates.

MEDIA Protocol is shaking up the way we advertise online, getting you more value for your advertising budget.

People. Value. Content.

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MEDIA Protocol

MEDIA Protocol is a transparent blockchain content sharing system. People value content. We add value to great content with MEDIA tokens.