How Can Blockchain Make Advertising More Efficient?

MEDIA Protocol
3 min readJul 13, 2018


Online advertising, as it currently exists, is something of an imperfect science.

Based on clicks and impressions, measuring the impact of adverts, is at best, unreliable — thanks largely to the proliferation of bots, as well as wastage in the form of accidental clicks. There’s no meaningful way to measure the level of engagement with potential customers, other than the rough correlation of impressions to eventual sales.

This has given many advertisers the impression that they’re not necessarily getting what they pay for when they advertise online.

There’s definitely room for a new and improved way of doing business.

What Does Advertising With Blockchain Look Like?

The first step to efficiency is cutting out the middlemen. Blockchain does this by decentralising the entire process.

This creates a direct relationship between creator and user, or between advertiser and consumer.

Not only can they be sure that the person using the site or service is a real human customer (thanks to blockchain weeding out bots), but there’s additional value in finding out exactly how the site is being used. That’s something that would usually take additional market research or focus groups.

How Does Advertising Become More Efficient?

That direct relationship between advertisers and users means instant data, rewards and direct payment, rather than waiting for it to filter through. Without middleman agencies, there’s no percentage taken either.

MEDIA Protocol is an example of this new method. Rather than a distinct currency, it’s an embedded and frictionless way to transact between creator and user. Users can be rewarded for their engagement, and use the tokens earned to get access to services, e.g. access paywalled content.

This means access to content is predicated on loyalty, not by enduring a certain amount of advertising in order to get access. Essentially, the customer is able to get more of the things they’ve shown an interest in. They’re given more efficient access to the kind of content they’ll engage with.

The simplicity of the token system, being built right in, makes it painless for both sides. That in turn increases the efficiency — making the transaction while consuming the content.

So How Is This More Efficient?

Wave goodbye to throwing money blindly at advertising and hoping for the best. Brands no longer have to shout into the void and pray for a return on their investment. Now they can be sure that every user engaging is a real human, a potential customer. No more bots or inflated click counts.

Engagement figures will reflect real impact and give value for that advertising spend.

It’s effectively peer-to-peer, which means you get to have a direct effect on your customer’s relationship with you. Once you earn that loyalty, you can build on it in both directions.

Target new releases or upgrades straight to the people most likely to appreciate it, and get a real measurement of how they feel about it.

Cut out the costly middlemen when reaching out to customers.

Get direct access to, and control of, the data your users are generating.

Blockchain-based advertising has the potential to replace the existing business model, and not just because it’s efficient. Read about its security features in our Blockchain Education Programme.

People. Value. Content.

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MEDIA Protocol

MEDIA Protocol is a transparent blockchain content sharing system. People value content. We add value to great content with MEDIA tokens.