How Tech Impacts Creativity

MEDIA Protocol
3 min readJul 6, 2018


Much of advertising depends on the creativity involved. The eye-catching graphics, the compelling video, snappily written copy, right down to the font choice on the copy itself. Despite knowing this, much of the industry obsesses about data more than they do the aesthetic or the cleverness. Data is one thing that can drive the success of a campaign, but it is far from the only thing.

Customer Motivations

Even, what we believe to be, great ads fall short of our expectations at times. Throwing money at the issue won’t automatically change customers’ minds either. It’s not always about going bigger, or being splashier. This is when we need to know why our customers have the behaviours that they do. Why do they follow one link but not another? Why do they respond enthusiastically to one campaign but remain cool towards a similar one? The answers, almost always, lie in their user data. This data can be used to inform campaign thinking, but should not be pursued as a primary campaign goal.

Taking Shortcuts

The advertising industry can be guilty of taking shortcuts. We have become addicted to various “engagement metrics”. Even though the metrics under the current systems are flawed and rarely represent accurate customer movements and preferences, we base everything on these figures. In the pursuit of more data, we often overlook the quality of the data we can gather. The biggest challenge with data-dependence is that the technology analytics are based on is often pushed to its limits, so that means it’s still going to provide distorted information that’s been skewed by bots and other inaccuracies.

Blockchain And AI

It’s no secret that blockchain brings the opportunity of doing things differently. Instead of simply looking to take an existing business model, and add blockchain. There is an opportunity to create a transparent ledger of every transaction and interaction. Unique, verifiable customers who can easily share their data directly to publishers, without having to go through an advertising middleman who dresses up the numbers to fit a particular story.

With blockchain, the metrics can reflect genuine interactions made by real people who are actual, potential customers. This adds both insight and value to the advertising spend, rather than throwing good money after bad.

Not A Replacement

AI and Big Data aren’t meant to replace creativity. Rather they can provide a more accurate and useful base for creatives to jump off from. Instead of looking to replace creativity with data, we should look to embrace it as a way of informing our decisions — even if that decision is to throw the data out and try something new.

Once we’re better equipped to handle the volume and variety of data quicker, we’ll be able to generate meaningful analytics without waiting around on a third party. Advertisers will then have access to more comprehensive and accurate data to base ads on.

It is important to remember that technology has a huge bearing on the inputs and outputs of an idea, but not on inspiration itself. It can be used to inform an idea but not generate one.

Creativity Is Essential

Cold stats, facts and figures, don’t bring the customers through the door. An insight on its own isn’t enough to engage your customers either.

What matters is taking those insights, those knowable customer traits, and building creative that appeals to those very things. This way, the time and creativity spent on the task has much more chance of making a successful engagement. The data being collected in new and better ways will simply point us in the right direction.

Better Together

There’s no substitute for creativity. Technology, especially new technology like blockchain and AI, doesn’t seek to replace it. Combining the forces — better and more accurate data with bolder and targeted creative projects — leads to symbiotic growth. That can only enhance your brand, and make a bigger impact with customers.

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MEDIA Protocol is a transparent blockchain content sharing system. People value content. We add value to great content with MEDIA tokens.