MEDIA Protocol — Humanising Brands And Re-establishing The Connection With Consumers

MEDIA Protocol
3 min readJun 11, 2018


Brands are as susceptible to trends as everyone else. But the prevailing direction now is towards humanising.

What does it mean, exactly, to humanise a brand?

Talking Like People

On a superficial level it goes to the tone and personality of the brand content. A social tone of voice for advertising copy, that’s personable and responsive. There’s a blueprint behind every brand’s ‘personality’ — one that’s individual and unique to them, so that even customers with minimal exposure to the brand will recognise it right away.

It’s distinct, and it has an immediate impact. It also calls on brands to present the real deal, because inconsistent or disingenuous voices won’t resonate with savvy consumers.

How Do You Humanise?

A lot of the groundwork comes from social listening — hearing what your audience want and expect. MEDIA Protocol allows brands to do this by accurately identifying each unique customer, their habits and preferences. Thanks to the blockchain technology behind it, they can be sure they’re concentrating their efforts on real people, not bots and other misleading data.

It creates the kind of customer-to-company intimacy that consumer relationships are founded on. The focus shifts to customer loyalty, which in traditional marketing might mean brand ambassadors and influencers. We’ve explained why that model isn’t always value for money.

Instead, MEDIA Protocol facilitates brands rewarding the loyalty of their customers — with MPT tokens they can use to access more of the content and services that interest them — in exchange for allowing MEDIA Protocol to gather the agreed, relevant data about their activity.

In return, the customer can enjoy more accurately personalised and curated content, directing them to more of the kinds of things they like first and foremost. By doing more of what they want, they continue to earn chances for further rewards.

How Does This Help With Reconnecting?

It’s been a tough time for some brands when it comes to their customers’ trust. People are more reluctant to hand over their data now, certainly to third-parties who store it all in centralised, hackable locations, or sell it on without permission.

That’s where blockchain changes the game again.

That distributed ledger means no one third-party gets control of your data. And all actions taken on it are part of the transparent, accessible record. It’s much easier to trust the brands you’re interacting and sharing data with when it’s all above board like that. We go into the transparency and security of the blockchain here, but you can be assured that’s the standard that MEDIA Protocol operates on.

The Positive Outcomes

When you’re humanising your brand, get that direct and personal feel around your branded content. Incorporating MEDIA Protocol will allow you to reward customer loyalty with MEDIA tokens (MPT), a utility token they can spend to access more content and generate more useful behavioural data.

Be sure you’re getting information on a real, verifiable consumer, and use their patterns and preferences to tailor a more rewarding customer experience that keeps them coming back. That includes older customers who’ve been wary of how other companies handle their data. Win them back with open, transparent data practices and have ways to reward their loyalty when they come back and stick around.

People. Value. Content.

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MEDIA Protocol

MEDIA Protocol is a transparent blockchain content sharing system. People value content. We add value to great content with MEDIA tokens.