MEDIA Protocol Marketing Advisors Announcement

MEDIA Protocol
3 min readAug 28, 2018


Dear MEDIA Protocol Community,

Following on from our recent announcement regarding the major new updates to both our website and whitepaper, we are delighted to share some even more exciting news and developments.

We have been working tirelessly behind the scenes over the last few months, not only building our technical infrastructure, but networking and promoting our project extensively during our private phase. There have been several significant accomplishments during this stage in our roadmap and we’re pleased to be able to announce the next major milestone in our project’s progress towards ICO.

A Unique Advisory Team Within Crypto

The MEDIA Protocol team has grown, and is now stronger than ever, with the addition of some extremely influential names from the media and advertising industry joining our advisory team.

Our new marketing advisory team now includes:

Kate Cox (CMO EMEA, GoDaddy) | Mark Adams (The Sunday Times Top 500 people in Britain) | JC Oliver (Founder at 31Flavas) | Dave Jackson (Head of Strategy, Tribal DDB) |Eugene Kan (Co-Founder, MAEKAN, and Partner at TLDR Capital)

These significant additions form part of the first dedicated marketing advisory team ever assigned to a crypto project. We believe this is a big win for MEDIA Protocol, setting us aside from every other project in the crypto space.

What Is MEDIA Protocol?

Content has never been more important than it is today. However, online audiences and the data around the content they consume are controlled by a small number of centralised platforms, such as social platforms and search engines, that limit the flow of data from consumers to the parties who create the content. MEDIA Protocol provides developers, brands, publishers, and consumers the opportunity and the incentive structures to interact in ways that are not currently permitted by centralised platforms.

In this way, MEDIA Protocol does more than reward attention: it fundamentally enables a new set of relationships between important parties that already want to interact with one another in more efficient and rewarding ways. MEDIA Protocol enables publishers, brands and content creators to deliver the most relevant content in pursuit of a more transparent, efficient and enjoyable online experience.

As our project aims to decentralise and destabilise the current working model within the media and advertising industry, it has garnered significant interest within the sector. Our new advisors leverage considerable knowledge, experience and insight into the challenges currently faced by the media and advertising industry. We believe this will help position MEDIA Protocol as the natural next step in the evolution of current digital content distribution practices. It therefore makes complete sense to explore the possibility of having a unique and innovative marketing advisory team to help develop and shape MEDIA Protocol as we move towards ICO.

Growing Support And Endorsement

It’s thanks to the continued hard work behind the scenes and our ongoing commitment to create a better digital content ecosystem that we have been able to attract such significant firepower to our advisory team. Each of the new advisors has expressed confidence and belief in our project, our roadmap and our business model, giving us their full backing and the benefit of their considerable industry knowledge, experience and expertise.

We see this acquisition of industry talent as a substantial endorsement of MEDIA Protocol, and the first major step towards gaining significant and ongoing industry buy-in and adoption of our protocol. Brands and organisations will soon be able to benefit from a new ecosystem that disintermediates the value exchange between content producers and consumers, facilitating a more direct relationship away from the current model of expensive, data-hoarding middlemen and third party platforms.

Watch this space for more details on our new marketing advisory team. We’ll be profiling each advisor, providing further insight into their contributions to MEDIA Protocol, and the decisions behind joining our project.

Best wishes,
James and the MEDIA Protocol team.

For more information regarding MEDIA Protocol find us on our social channels below:

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MEDIA Protocol

MEDIA Protocol is a transparent blockchain content sharing system. People value content. We add value to great content with MEDIA tokens.