MEDIA Protocol, Marketing And Blockchain — Part 2

MEDIA Protocol
4 min readMay 21, 2018


The team here at MEDIA Protocol are deeply committed to creating a more direct, transparent and secure ecosystem for content creators, publishers, and consumers through the revolutionary application of blockchain technology. We’re here to connect the worlds of marketing and technology for everyone’s benefit.

We’ve got love for both worlds, but from our own experience we know that they can sometimes feel, literally, worlds apart. So we’re committed, not just to connecting them, but to creating a common understanding between them.

This series of articles aims to explain the relationship between marketing and blockchain to help everyone — the marketeers, the technologists, and the content consumers — understand the principles behind this game-changing technology.

We want to help educate by demystifying the potential applications of blockchain technology. The MEDIA Protocol team feel it’s vital to highlight and clarify the potential of blockchain in the marketing world; how it provides transparency, efficiency, reliability and accuracy.

Strap in, and welcome to the MEDIA Protocol Blockchain Marketing Programme.

Part 2 — The Potential Impact Of Blockchain On Marketing: Velocity

Previously, in Part 1 of this series, we looked at the ways in which blockchain technology could be used to handle the huge Volume of data being generated by consumers daily. After Volume, the next tentpole of Big Data is Velocity.

These days, not only are businesses having to handle an unprecedented amount of data, they are having to do so at speed. With new information arriving and changing at a relentless rate, it is becoming ever more important to find ways to manage it all in a timely fashion.

In a global, increasingly mobile marketplace, there’s no downtime. Customers no longer have to wait to be at their desk or at home to shop, read and browse. When an idea strikes, their smartphone gives them the immediacy, accessibility, portability, connectivity, and interactivity required to action it.

Data continually flows in, day and night, and with it come new customer demands and the need for a real-time response.

What Challenges Does This Pose For Marketing?

The biggest challenge is the increased pressure that Big Data puts on responsiveness. Gone is the luxury of waiting just for office hours, or taking long stretches of time to come up with new products or services to keep the customer happy. Consumers no longer accept this.

One particular area of focus is being able to track user behaviour in order to offer near-instant recommendations. This can be based on what they’ve just purchased, or the recommended products that show up on the next page they browse.

What this means is that increasingly, marketing will require useful apps that can keep up with the pace of mobile-generated customer data, and have the built-in processes to respond to that.

How Does Blockchain Facilitate This?

Every transaction on the blockchain has a digital footprint, making it much easier to track trends and patterns. These help explain user behaviour and formulate a speedy response to it.

The crucial attributes of blockchain data being both secure and traceable make it trustworthy — you can use that information right away without having to verify or quantify it first.

Blockchain is not reliant on any centralised resource to store or move data. The distributed nature of the system means it’s constantly ready and able to move huge amounts of data to where it’s needed at very high speeds. This gives you the speed of response required to match your customers’ needs.

Where Else Do Blockchain And Marketing Overlap?

Velocity demands responding to the customers as quickly as they interact with you in the first place. Keeping pace is key.

Having looked at how blockchain helps companies handle the Big Data demands of Volume and Velocity, we next turn our attention to Variety.

Read All Parts In Our Blockchain Marketing Programme:

Part 1 — The Potential Impact Of Blockchain On Marketing: Volume
Part 2 — The Potential Impact of Blockchain on Marketing: Velocity (This article above)
Part 3 — The Potential Impact of Blockchain on Marketing: Variety Coming Soon
Part 4 — The Potential Impact of Blockchain on Marketing: Veracity Coming Soon

You May Also Be Interested In Our Blockchain Education Programme:

Part 1 — Blockchain: Is It Secure?
Part 2 — How Does Blockchain Apply To Cyber Security?
Part 3 — How Does Blockchain Create Transparency?
Part 4 — How Blockchain Ensures That No-One Can Impersonate The Owner Of An Address
Part 5 — Different Ways Of Handling Real-world Identity On The Blockchain
Part 6 — What Sybil Attacks Are And Possible Mitigations
Part 7 — Improved Confidentiality and Data Integrity

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MEDIA Protocol

MEDIA Protocol is a transparent blockchain content sharing system. People value content. We add value to great content with MEDIA tokens.