Meet The MEDIA Protocol Marketing Advisors

MEDIA Protocol
6 min readAug 30, 2018


Having recently announced the MEDIA Protocol Marketing Advisory Team, we would now like to formally introduce each member of the board.

Within the crypto space it is unique for a project to have a dedicated group of marketing advisors tasked with the purpose of developing the brand, its proposition and positioning. Our marketing advisors are globally respected leaders in their respective fields and bring a wealth of industry knowledge and experience to the table. Read on and get to know our advisors a little bit better, learn about the insight they bring, and hear what they have to say about MEDIA Protocol.

Kate Cox (CMO EMEA, GoDaddy)

About Kate
Kate’s background is in advertising and communications strategy, with an interest in marketing measurement for the digital age. She ran marketing for the SMB and web developer hosting division across UK and Germany for HEG, before it was purchased by GoDaddy. Kate then became CMO, EMEA for GoDaddy. Kate is a Fellow of the IPA and member of the Marketing Society. She was a judge at the IPA Effectiveness Awards in 2018.

What will Kate’s role be?
Kate brings an invaluable perspective on the industry from both an agency and client point of view. Leading one of the most active direct-response brands across B2C and B2B, Kate has helped us frame MEDIA Protocol’s offering and proposition. Kate provides a keen insight into the challenges being faced by leading brands and agencies. She also has an invaluable network across the industry including research and trade bodies such as the IPA.

Kate on joining the MEDIA Protocol team.
“Once MEDIA Protocol solves publishers pain points, as it is designed to, and helps marketers appropriately reward advocates, it’s going to fly.”

James, CEO of MEDIA Protocol, on working with Kate.
“Kate is a leading voice in the marketing and advertising space on both the client and agency side. Kate’s insight and perspective on the challenges faced across the industry are invaluable to MEDIA Protocol.”

Mark Adams (The Sunday Times’ Top 500 People in Britain)

About Mark
Mark founded the first “Digital Talent Agency” which he subsequently sold to William Morris Endeavour. He then went on to co-found “The Audience”, funded by Facebook’s Sean Parker. Mark is also Chairman of UCL’s Digital Leadership Council, and The Guardian’s “Star of Tech City”.

What will Mark’s role be?
Mark helps form the proposition, positioning and brand behind MEDIA Protocol. Shaping our proposition means that we are more likely to succeed. Mark will use his extensive industry connections and contacts to help gain us introductions to, and guidance from, some of the top brands in the world.

Mark on joining the MEDIA Protocol team.
“My entire career has centred around digital. The transformative potential of MEDIA Protocol takes the digital relationship between brands and consumers to the next level. It’s hard to find a reason not to be involved.”

James, CEO of MEDIA Protocol, on working with Mark.
“Mark is a great asset for MEDIA Protocol, as he brings a truly polymathic understanding of content, digital and the increasing challenges faced across all parts of the industry.”

JC Oliver (Founder at 31Flavas)

About JC
Previously Global Head of Innovation at Microsoft, JC’s more recent experience includes time as Global Chief Creative Officer at Unlockd and Global Chief Creative Officer at AOL.

What will JC’s role be?
JC brings a wealth of industry knowledge to the table. His primary offering will be access to industry introductions and helping to shape the brand and proposition. JC is a recognised speaker and thought leader on a wide number of topics. His involvement accelerates the profile of MEDIA Protocol.

James, CEO of MEDIA Protocol, on working with JC.
“JC’s background and experience in leading innovation and creativity for some really big brands will be invaluable in helping us shape and develop MEDIA Protocol’s profile at an industry level.”

Dave Jackson (Head of Strategy, Tribal DDB)

About Dave
Dave is a planner, strategist and brand specialist with experience across a variety of global agencies including; Havas, m/SIX, Edelman, and adam&eveDDB.

What will Dave’s role be?
Dave’s focus will be helping with the creative direction of MEDIA Protocol, whilst providing an in-depth look at how agencies think. Dave will be instrumental in the strategic thinking behind MEDIA Protocol, whilst being invaluable with our creative assets moving forward.

Dave on joining the MEDIA Protocol team.
Big ideas with clear goals and legitimate applications, backed by an energetic and enthusiastic team, are a strategist’s dream. I can’t wait to see how this one develops.”

James, CEO of MEDIA Protocol, on working with Dave.
“Dave speaks his mind and allows us to feed off the brilliant ideas and concepts he formulates, even if it’s just over a casual lunch. Dave’s thought process comes with a ton of experience and we are so grateful to have access to him.”

Eugene Kan (Co-Founder, MAEKAN, and Partner at TLDR Capital).

About Eugene
Eugene has an amazing media and marketing background. He is the co-founder of MAEKAN, a digital forum for blogs that celebrate creative culture. He was also previously the editorial director at Hypebeast, known as a premiere online destination for editorially driven commerce and news. Eugene now heads up community and marketing as well as masternode strategy for the global advisory firm, TLDR Capital, which specialises in tokenisation projects and their interface with public markets.

What will Eugene’s role be?
Eugene has a wide range of connections and is a brilliant networker, which will help MEDIA Protocol as we move closer to ICO, and beyond. Eugene is unique for MEDIA Protocol as he has a rich history in marketing and media, but is now also a partner at one of the most prestigious blockchain advisory firms. He will have deep insight to share with us on how to succeed at bringing both worlds together.

Eugene on joining the MEDIA Protocol team.
“Media in the current world is amidst an existential crisis and has encountered numerous challenges when it comes to monetization, sustainability, and upholding a certain level of quality content. Media Protocol aims at empowering all parties involved in media and provides value respectively to each part of the chain. I’m super happy to bring any knowledge to the table that will help Media Protocol succeed.”

James, CEO of MEDIA Protocol, on working with Eugene.
“Eugene is a brilliant guy and a big name to boot. The wealth of experience he brings to us is huge, but also to TLDR, which we work with as a whole.”

Going From Strength To Strength

Momentum is gathering as we head into Q4 of 2018. MEDIA Protocol, backed by the influential advisors listed above continues to go from strength to strength, always breaking new ground, not only as a blockchain protocol, but as a unique and diverse team with substantial industry knowledge, experience and connections.

Keep a close look out for further important announcements arising in the very near future, as MEDIA Protocol continues to develop a better, more transparent digital content ecosystem and direct value exchange between content producers and consumers.

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MEDIA Protocol

MEDIA Protocol is a transparent blockchain content sharing system. People value content. We add value to great content with MEDIA tokens.