What The Facebook/Cambridge Analytica Scandal Means To The Digital Content Ecosystem

MEDIA Protocol
2 min readMar 29, 2018


User data has been hitting the headlines recently. Mostly, its misuse. The Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal has raised serious questions about the way third-party content platforms handle the data their users provide so freely and readily.

Understandably, the online community is reeling in the face of these revelations. The exploitation of people’s profile information, and that of their unknowing ‘friends’, to create targeted ads, has left many users apprehensive about engaging with content online.

The importance of data for content publishers, marketers and distributors is undeniable. Targeting specific audiences. Sharing relevant content. Monitoring and evaluating campaign success, reach and conversions. All these elements depend on carefully gathered, closely analysed data.

It ensures that the right people receive the right message.

How Can We Change That System?

MEDIA Protocol offers a new way for content producers to redistribute value around a piece of content, moving control of data into the hands of consumers, and away from third-party intermediaries. Using an incentive-driven model that leverages the directness, transparency, and security of the blockchain, MEDIA Protocol rewards consumer engagement. Not distribution platforms.

Using MEDIA protocol, publishers can attach a predetermined amount of our native cryptocurrency, MEDIA Tokens, to the URL of any piece of content. Interactions with these URLs are tracked. Consumers engaging with MEDIA Protocol-enabled content receive tokens in return. There is no centralized ‘hoarder’ of data. The data exchange becomes a direct relationship between creator and consumer.

This direct connection between content publishers and consumers decentralises the marketing and advertising industries, reducing inefficiency and increasing transparency. Viewing, reading, liking, commenting, or sharing a piece of content has its rewards. No longer just for the content creator and third-party distributor, but for the consumer.

Rewarding The Consumer

Real consumers and influencers are the key to content success. In a world where data tracking, click farms and centralised records are kept, it’s clear there is a major need for transparency within the digital content ecosystem.

A decentralised and public record of the distribution of content means we can stop wasting ad budgets on third party networks. We can put an end to the upfront payments to influencers that could potentially produce no results. Most importantly, we can easily see anyone who is trying to “game the system”.

MEDIA Protocol uses the blockchain to provide greater security and individual control, empowering brands and publishers with more accurate data, and rewarding creators and consumers.

It’s time we levelled the playing field, for consumers and content creators alike.

It’s time to add real value to content.

It’s time to value the people who share it.

People. Value. Content

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MEDIA Protocol

MEDIA Protocol is a transparent blockchain content sharing system. People value content. We add value to great content with MEDIA tokens.