Media Structures
3 min readNov 30, 2015

What makes a great temporary stage set?

Many of us have been to performances that have been memorable. Often that has been because it was a favourite band or play we were going to see. It may have been because the people we went with are special to us, or because it was during a particularly memorable time in our lives. But it also may have been because of the stage set itself. A great stage set will not only add to a performance but it will transform it. So what makes a great stage set?

A non-fixed stage set (one that isn’t permanently based in a concert hall or theatre) can be used for both large and small performances. It can be used for a presentation; a TV or outdoor theatre production; a festival or many other larger scale. This kind of stage set does not just appear out of nowhere. It needs thought, planning and delivery. It requires a team of people with differing skills. Highly adept crafts people will have to transform plans into reality but the starting point for all of this is the vision — and this needs a little creativity.

Creativity is best achieved when those wanting to stage the performance have a vision of what they want and communicate this to the creative team. This team will then work to establish what is known as an overall visual concept for the production and the stage environment. This can be worked up into 2D drawing or 3D visuals — whichever is most appropriate. This early stage is perhaps the most important as it is the real opportunity to get everything right and to the client’s satisfaction.

It is worth remembering that a temporary stage set has slightly different requirements to that of a permanent one, but often fewer constraints too because it is built specifically for the production or event. It does need to be efficient in its use of space and with the products used to build it. It does not have many of the established features a permanent stage has and so it needs to be extremely versatile. Additionally, as a temporary fixture, it needs to be relatively simple to erect and to de-rig.

A great stage can be achieved with some simple techniques. Making sure there is an element of depth, for example by ensuring the set is not entirely flat, will enhance the feel of the set. This is further enhanced by the fitting of lighting which can make the overall environment more dynamic.

Lastly, one thing a performance needs in order to be memorable (for the right reasons) is good weather. As the weather cannot be relied upon, set designers need to consider how best to cover the stage from the elements. A temporary roof can come in different specifications and be static, or utilised only in poor weather conditions.

A stage set can be whatever you want it to be provided there is a shared vision for its creation, and a team of skilled people to put that vision into a safe and timely reality.

To find out more about temporary stage sets and how they may be useful for your next event, please visit the Media Structure website.

Media Structures

Media Structures create impressive, economical and innovative structures, from design and conceptualisation to physical build we turn any idea into a reality.