Medical Guardian

4 min readMar 20, 2019


1. Role of medial guardian in elderly on holiday trips

Elders are always our treasure. They cannot be left with a single at any point and at the same time, they need not be surrounded by a crowd. It is very essential to make them feel comfortable in all places. Major attention is to be given when the family is on a trip, be it small or big, there must be an eye on them always. In certain instances, they are like kids who are in the age group of toddlers. Never underestimate their capacity.

When we are planning for a trip it is essential to note our elder’s belongings into the account. Like how they took care of us in our younger days we need to care them in their olden days. It is tough to do all these works on our own. Thus, we can appoint caregivers to take care of their works starting from home till we return, elders can be handed over to them to carry forward our trip in a happy note.

What does the medical guardian do?

A medical guardian is not a servant maid to do all housekeeping works. Rather, they are well-trained medical nurses/ physiotherapist. They escort with the concerned person while traveling and take care of wheelchair assistance, bathing, massage, exercises, etc.

Every medical guardian Singapore helps the elderly in all their regular activities when they are on a family trip. Medical guardian Singapore helps the elderly to bring back their happiness of not missing such a joyous trip. Though these professionals help the elderly in all actions they do not pretend to be an external person. These skilled professionals whisper out with the old aged and relax their mind too. At times the family disputes are also solved by the professionals.

Even the elderly grandpa and grandma feels these guardians as their family members and share all their feelings towards setting the position, legal disputes are also resolved. Coming back to the trip scenario, the elderly people would like to play and have fun like the others in their family, they would like to have everything that is cooked without any control over diet. In these instances more than a family member, medical guardian cares elderly like their kit and kin.

The complete charge of the golden people is handed over to the professionals. The family members too are relaxed thinking that their grandparents are in safe hands. It is not only the safety and home like feel being given in reality without any sort of tight-fist.

Thus, it is a challenge and fun to care elderly.

2. Aging process: Effect on elderly and disabled

Aging is not a disease, but they are a natural mechanism. Everything that is new today becomes old one day. In the same scenario, this aging also ends up in the requirement of assistance. Does it mean that they are incapable? No, it simply tells their experience and hard work that they have undergone until these many years. Never a hard word is seen, but felt when the final product is achieved elderly services singapore. Similarly, as the age increases the strength decreases. This strength is regained to some extent when the assistance for certain activities is carried out. Mere assistance does not fetch any result, but being a skin at a time when there is long off, journey, celebrations, etc. This assistance is given by the well-taught individuals known as ‘Medical Guardian,Singapore’

Every event or trip in the family is important to every one of the family members. Thus, these elderly are taken care of by appointing caregivers from a certain point. These carers are extraordinarily talented in dealing easily with our elders and grab their love for them.

They not only pretend to be a caregiver singapore, but they act as one among the family members, thus this paves way for the elderly to understand their situation and cooperate with few carers.

Aging process reduces the physical and mental tolerance to any assaults. This is common for both physically challenged and ordinary elders. They can retrieve their happiness through mere hope. This hope will have to be bestowed by both the family and the medical guardian.

Every child is a treasure to their parents similarly as time fades every parent is a gift of God. So, that parent has to be taken care of by children and grandchildren or great-grandchildren. This duty can be given to such a medical guardian replacing the family members place. It is always said that medical guardian work from the point they are addressed to. These medical guardians play many vital roles in physically challenged elders where they find difficulty in carrying out their own regular activities. Thus, this medical guardian will do all their work in the appointed time to make sure that their health is in perfect condition.

If a youngster is handicapped it is a different situation while if it is an old aged their feelings, the way of behavior everything is very much dependent on the caregiver Singapore. While the love reverted back is a lot more when compared to the youngster. In certain places, the caregiver is confused with daily servants. No! The medical caregiver, singapore is well-trained, most experienced, properly focussed on health, qualified in all aspects. Thus, this aging in both normal and handicapped elders is a boon in a few aspects and a bane in certain aspects.

