Yoga for Shoulder Pain

3 min readOct 4, 2022


Shoulder Pain

Yoga offers a well-rounded strategy for those seeking relief from shoulder pain. The most common cause of shoulder pain and discomfort is tightness in the trapezius muscles, a triangular muscle that connects the spine, neck, and shoulders.

A 2018 study discovered that static yoga postures Active Scapular Muscles The scapular stabilizer muscles can be activated during static yoga poses at various intensities. An essential part of shoulder rehabilitation involves strengthening the scapular stabilizer muscles.

Yoga for shoulder pain relief works in the following way;

  1. Increasing Balance and Flexibility
    Yoga poses that focus on flexibility and range of motion specifically address shoulder pain. As a result, shoulder stiffness has significantly decreased. Basic Principles Regarding Strength, Flexibility, and Stability Exercises for the Spine, Shoulders, and Neck also help to strengthen the muscles in these areas through easy stretches and spinal twists. These organs are all closely linked and coordinated. When performing the poses, one cultivates balance through alignment, strength, and mental focus.
  2. Promotes Mental Health
    In addition to shoulder pain, there is always some emotional suffering concealed behind physical suffering in various parts of the body. It was discovered in an Australian national yoga survey. In Australia, yoga Nevertheless, according to the findings of a national survey, the majority of people used yoga to manage their stress and anxiety. It also treats back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and other related musculoskeletal issues.
Neck Pain

3. Minimises Inflammation
Overuse of the shoulder joints, a minor injury, or any chronic conditions can all lead to inflammation. The shoulders are strengthened and mobilized as part of yoga therapy. Daily asana practice keeps the shoulder active and hastens recovery.

Inflammation in the shoulder is gradually reduced by performing restorative asanas like Eagle Pose (Garudasana) and Bridge Pose (Setubandhasana). One can practice static poses to support their condition using props like bolsters, bricks, and pillows.

Shoulder Pain Relief Through Yoga

Before beginning a yoga practice for shoulder pain, one should keep the following advice in mind.

a. Yoga Warm-up, also referred to as Sukshma Vyayam or subtle exercises, is a good place to begin.
b. Before engaging in any pose, check your shoulder alignment to spare them from needless stress.
c. Whatever asanas or poses you choose to practice, make sure they are slow and gentle. Any additional strain will exacerbate the issue rather than resolve it.
d. Keep your focus present and take pleasure in the process.


When we have severe Shoulder pain, we always want to do so much. Use this yoga manual to perform a variety of asanas to enhance your health. then check the outcomes for yourself!

Yoga should be used as a preventive measure as well as a curative measure. Yoga has been beneficial for thousands of years. Because of the benefits, it emphasizes both physical and mental fitness.

Read more here.

