Introducing Adventurer NFT

Medieval Dao
6 min readFeb 18, 2022



  • 8,888 genesis Adventurer NFTs will be released in multiple stages.
  • Adventurers are your avatars in the Medieval metaverse. The NFT holders can enjoy Medieval DAO’s benefits and resources. In addition, you will need Adventurers to participate in the Medieval Game, an on-chain game we designed.
  • Each Adventurer’s attributes are fully on-chain, affecting the Adventurer’s appearance and in-game performance. The attributes are randomly generated with a cryptographically secure randomness source to guarantee fairness.

In the first phase of Medieval DAO, 8,888 genesis Adventurers will be released in multiple stages. Adventurer is your avatar in the Medieval metaverse. Adventurer holders will have access to the abundant resources from Medieval DAO, including but not limited to the entertainment, financial, and human resources. Most importantly, you will need an Adventurer to participate in the game.

To make our Adventurer NFTs stand out from other projects, we have implemented some innovations:

  • ERC721Psi: Imagine this scenario: if you want to mint 10+ NFTs, normally you have to pay a 10x gas fee than the cost of minting 1 NFT. However, it costs only 10% more when you mint 10 Adventurers implemented by ERC721Psi protocol. Aside from saving batch minting gas, ERC721Psi has other features about generating randomness and lower gas fees while transferring NFTs. Medieval DAO builds up ERC721Psi from scratch and aims at providing the ultimate on-chain experience. We’ll be releasing a detailed document soon.
  • Fair on-chain randomness: our NFT attributes are fully on-chain, that is, no back door tricks to break the fairness. In addition, our randomness source is powered by ChainLink’s VRF services, which provide cryptographically secure randomness. Every player can therefore play Medieval Farm evenly.
  • True Rarity arose from the probability distribution: Unlike most NFT projects, the Adventurers’ strength follows a normal distribution. The inherent characteristic of the normal distribution generates extreme Rarity naturally.
  • Upgradability: The Adventurer NFTs are upgradable. By burning NFT with any classes, you can level up your NFT and enhance its strength. Burning in-game tokens or items will also change your NFT’s strength or appearance.


To generate an NFT, we used services from ChainLink, an awesome random number provider (they also provide other innovative services in other decentralized applications, such as Oracle).

With ChainLink’s random number, the properties of all our NFTs are generated fully on-chain. Randomness is highly important in Medieval DAO because it determines Adventurers’ class, strength, House, and age. These features will first impact the revenue of $FOOD in Medieval Game. Second, it is important for future game design; adventurers of the same House will be gathered together for a greater purpose in the game union. Last, the most important purpose is for Medieval DAO to drive the entire community toward future metaverse innovations!


With the extension of our ERC721Psi standards, Medieval DAO makes Adventurers NFT upgradable. Adventurer holders can burn other genesis Adventurers to level up a specific NFT, making it more unique and stronger than others. The upgradability is not only in strength but also in its appearance. By burning in-game resources in the Medieval Game, the appearance (items, background, texture…) of the NFT can be changed.

Gas Optimization:

Medieval DAO cares about your gas fee! Our NFT minting, transferring are all low on gas consumptions.

How to get Adventurers

Medieval DAO designed several ways to distribute our Adventurers:

  1. Voucher: As we plan to gather enthusiasts like artists, programmers, gamers, influencers into our DAO, we innovated a new feature: voucher. Once you make sufficient contributions to the community, you will have a chance to win a voucher, which allows you to mint an Adventurer NFT for FREE(of course, you have to pay the gas fee). Vouchers will be given away through all stages, so everyone will have a chance to win the voucher until 8,888 genesis Adventurers are issued.
  2. Whitelist: Before the first stage of NFT issuance, several giveaway events will be held constantly, and all active community members will have a chance to get whitelisted. The whitelist guarantees the address to mint an Adventurer NFT. Stay tuned to our Discord and Twitter for more information.
  3. Public sale: public sale is a fair selling channel for all participants. Several Adventurers can be minted at various stages. Follow our Twitter and join Discord, so you will not miss it!
  4. Open market: If you missed the minting events, you could always find Adventurers listed in the secondary market. Adventurers can be traded on Opensea, LooksRare, and Mintable.
  5. In-game minting with $FOOD: As Medieval Game, our Adventurers’ playground kicks off, Adventurers can earn $FOOD for their holders by playing the game. At specific events, $FOOD holders can mint new Adventurers via paying $FOOD.

Adventurers in Medieval Game

The first product of Medieval DAO is Medieval Game, an on-chain NFT game. Adventurer NFT can be staked in farming lands to harvest our governance token, $FOOD. To make each NFT unique and valuable, we add random features to each NFT. These features only influence the role and farming model in the game but won’t influence the rights as an NFT holder in Medieval DAO.

Character’s Class

  • Farmer: Farmers humbly harvest $Food to support the land. By staking farmers, you can get regular returns in the form of FOOD. Total staked farmers share the outcome of each farm. The more farmers in one farm, the less FOOD you will harvest. However, the fewer farmers in one farm, the higher the probability your efforts will be robbed by Thieves.
  • Thief: Thieves always gather in groups to attack farms, trying to raid some of the outcomes from farmers. By staking Thief, you will have a floated rate of robbing some FOOD from the farmers on that farm.
  • Scout: Scouts are farmers’ saviors. Scouts protect the farms from getting their rewards. By staking Scouts, you will share a portion of the outcome from that farm once you successfully beat the thieves. The tougher the battle is, the more rewards you will get.

Character Stats

  • Strength: Strength determines NFT’s initial working ability, ranging from 0 to 2040, under a normal distribution. The higher the strength is, the higher the return. And for any character with strength above 2 sigmas, some special items will be granted to mark his prominence.

The top-left image shows that in a normal distribution, only 2.2% of NFTs will be above 2 sigmas. The top-right image shows that in our approximate normal distribution simulation, the average strength will be around 1020, with a sigma of 211.81. That means NFT with a strength greater than 1442 will be above 2 sigmas and granted for special items. For the NFT with its strength above 3 sigmas, something really special will happen…

  • Level: Level is one of the variables to determine NFT’s working ability. By burning an NFT with the same character, you can upgrade your NFT, thus doubling, tripling, or even more of your NFT’s working ability. The formula will be:

Strength = Strength_In_Level_One * Level

So, having an NFT with higher initial strength is extremely valuable because upgrading it can be much stronger and more profitable. The maximum level is 5.

  • Age: Age will influence the appearance and working ability of your NFT. All NFT will have their initial age in the Dark Age. You can migrate your NFT into the next age by burning some in-game resources. This move will make your NFT stronger and will reflect on the appearance of your NFT on Opensea. The maximum age will follow the overall age of Medieval DAO. You can migrate your NFT to more modern ages when time goes by.
  • House: There are four houses in Medieval DAO. Work closely with your house to make your own glory.



Medieval Dao

A social and strategic game with quests to earn multiple rewards.