Everything You Need to Know About Medipedia Platform Services

4 min readAug 10, 2018


The Medipedia platform is a sum total of services that add up to deliver a robust and cost-effective platform for medical consumers, medical service providers, and third parties. In this blog, we discuss some of the key Medipedia Platform Services and in the process try to understand how these services differ from centralized models that have long dominated the global healthcare industry.

Medical Service Consultation Service

To check expenses from going overboard Medpedia will provide a platform that directly connects medical consumers with consultants/representatives of the medical centers in visiting country. Also, a pre-consultation will clear any impending doubt as well as help in drawing an accurate estimate of costs. Medical consumers can choose from a wide number of hospitals that best fit their budget and ailments. Payments can be done via MPR points or professional consultation tickets purchased through MEP tokens. Medical institutions can later convert MRP or consultation tickets into MEP Token.

Medical Service Matching Service

Medipedia is the cost-effective gateway for personalized medical services. One can request their preferred services on the Medipedia Platform. This is next broadcast to all certified medical service providers registered on the Medipedia platform. This request also contains the budget limits. The service providers upon confirming the receipt of the request can ask for additional medical information. Post receipt of information the service provider can send a proposal. Consumers can select from a number of such proposals before selecting the one that best fits them.

Social Media & Blog (Latest News Trend)

Social Media and Blogs are now powerful tools for information. They can drive change as well as accelerate growth. Treading on the same lines, Medipedia vblogs will be a source of relevant information and as a proof of work for claims by service providers. Medipedia blogs will be a strong tool for curbing false advertisers that normally trick consumers into overpayments. Bloggers and Experts can use MPR points to start their own information channel. These channels can be a reference point for cross-checking new medicines as well as creating awareness campaigns.

Bilateral Review System

Using Data Analytics and Natural Language Processing, Medipedia will offer a robust and accurate Bilateral Review System. Medical staff/institute reviews, Medical consumer reviews, and external participant review systems will increase efficiency and integrity. These reviews would be based on various parameters. These reviews would be later used to determine the overall rating of the consumer, the service provider and the external participant. These ratings can be later availed by Platform users using MEP Tokens.

Big Data Storage Service

All transactions (including requests, payments, request for details, medical history etc) are part of blockchain network during a particular activity. Medipedia is expecting huge transaction volumes on the network. A Proper analysis of these transaction volumes will give important insights about which services are most requested, what are the most efficient channels for service delivery as well as many other important insights. Other things like procedure tracking, medical equipment success rate measure, can only make medical services better and error-proof. Big Data Storage Service can help in more accurate grasping od demand and economic cycle of the users of MEP Services.

Tourism & Travel

Medipedia tourism & travel service app will ensure that medical tourists face no issues with accommodation and travel in a foreign land. Also most importantly Medipedia has collaboration with 3rd party hotel who offer accommodation against longer than usual day.

Interpretation Service

Medipedia interpreter service further bridges the communication gap between consumers and service providers of different nationalities. Medical service providers may provide interpreter services on their own also. In case it is not available, one can use services on the MEP platform.

MPR reward program rates the proficiency level of the interpretation service. Interpretation service providers are selected on the basis of inbuilt an authentication system.

Medical Insurance Product Link Service

Health Insurance Services are another prime feature of the Medipedia platform. Consumers of medical services can subscribe for services using smart contracts. These insurance options are optimized as per the needs and requirement of the consumer based on the medical services opted by them. Hence thanks to smarty contracts these are not only consumer specific but cost effective by nature.

Medical Service Alliance

The decentralized nature of the Medipedia Platform promotes one to one communication between participants. This is further refined by the Medical Tourism Services Alliance System App that facilitates an ecosystem that promotes collaborative medical services between two participants or a participant and an external service provider. This not only fast tracks treatment and recovery but also is economically beneficial. Prompt and Cost-effective Service is facilitated by the Medical Service Alliance. Further both tourism and medical services can join hands to attract a greater number of tourists by offering economic services.

In conclusion, we can say that Medipedia brings revolutionary structural changes to the healthcare ecosystem. The decentralized network promises cost-effective and transparent healthcare services by breaking away from the centralized model of service delivery that has for long failed to deliver on the promise of delivering affordable healthcare to one and all.

