How can Medipedia help with Difficulties faced by Medical Consumers?

3 min readSep 3, 2018


Medipedia is a blockchain based medical tourism platform that aims to connect medical consumers and service providers on a common platform for better and cost-effective exchange of information and services. The Medipedia platform has been developed with the focus on the difficulties faced by medical consumers, especially medical tourists, with the present medical ecosystem. It provides a solution to these problems in a way that is beneficial for all. Here’s how.

Problems of Medical Consumers and the Solution

High Medical Charge Fee and Waiting Time

One major problem faced by medical consumers not only in Korea but all around the world is of increasing cost of medical treatment, products and services. This prevents patients from getting the best healthcare for a particular disease. Moreover, the cost of the latest technologies is way too much for the average consumer. Also, the timely availability of the right medical care has always been an issue for patients. The waiting time is usually too much for critical patients to afford. The lack of efficient doctors and reach to remote regions are some other ongoing issues.

Among all this, Medipedia aims to develop a platform that will enable medical consumers to find and avail the best medical care in a region at affordable rates.

The Absence of Credible Medical Personnel and Medical Institutions

As mentioned above, there is a serious lack of qualified and skilled doctors and trustworthy medical institutions. With so much fraud going around, it is difficult to trust a medical service provider, especially if you are travelling or moving to a foreign country. There is not a single reliable source where you can find information about and connect with high-quality medical providers. The only option is to search the internet and visit whatever hospital or doctor is recommended by other users. As you visit the hospital without proper consultation or knowledge, it might turn into a waste of time and money if the service is not good enough.

Medipedia provides an alternative in the form of a decentralized platform where consumers can not only search for the best medical institutions and doctors in an area but also they can connect with their selected doctors and get free consultation online.

Inconvenience in Reservation

Reservation for medical service and consultation is a trying task in itself. While some top medical institutions and doctors have started accepting reservations through their dedicated websites or social media channels, it is still quite difficult for common consumers to get a reservation beforehand as the process is mostly telephonic or in person, which is not always possible. And getting a proper care without reservation is next to impossible today. Medical tourists are even more suffered by this problem as making a reservation on the telephone is difficult because of things like time difference and language barriers. Many of these consumers then have no option but to seek the help of an agent who may or may not connect them with the right medical service as per their requirements. So, what’s the solution?

Medipedia is an online platform which lets you search for reliable medical service providers area-wise and based on your particular requirements. You can connect with doctors and consult with them through a secure messaging platform. Explain your problems to them, send your old medical reports and get the best consultation possible. Moving forward, you can make a reservation with a particular doctor/hospital for the actual treatment. Since there are no intermediaries involved, the information provided is completely true and reliable and the service is affordable. Check out the Medipedia website or white paper for more details.

