Provider Publicity: How Medipedia Provides Built-In Marketing Services For Healthcare Professionals

4 min readAug 16, 2018


Medical tourism is in a state of rapid growth, with patients across the globe increasingly looking internationally for their care. Physicians and other medical providers have the potential to benefit immensely from this market, which allows them to tap into a large stream of customers who will pay top dollar for their services. The better these providers are able to take advantage of the medical tourism renaissance, the easier it will be for them to turn a profit for the long haul.

Unfortunately, taking advantage of the medical tourism market is easier said than done. Providers often lack the means and expertise to advertise themselves to prospective patients in other countries, and thus have little ability to show them the value of their services. This is bad for those providers, and it limits the growth of the medical tourism market. But thanks to Medipedia’s built-in marketing services, it will soon be possible for healthcare professionals of all stripes to market their services all over the planet.

A Profile of the Publicity Problem

To understand the value of Medipedia’s marketing solutions, it’s important to consider why publicity is such a big issue for the medical tourism market. Patients become medical tourists when they decide it is more worthwhile to get healthcare in another country than to seek it at home. This may be because care in that country is higher in quality, comes with fewer risks, or is available at a lower price. But no matter the specific reason, medical tourists must have a clear idea that even after going to all the trouble of traveling to another country, that care will be worth their while.

The problem is that medical providers have not studied marketing, and often struggle to publicize themselves even within their own countries. When you add in the challenge of doing so across national, linguistic, and cultural lines, even the best providers have little ability to market themselves within the medical tourism market. As a result, they can’t sell their advantages on:

  • Care Quality- It’s often hard for patients who have no medical expertise to judge the quality of medical care, so they may not be aware that care is better in other countries. It’s up to providers to explain this to them in terms they can understand — but if they don’t know how to market internationally, such explanations are hard to give.
  • Price Particulars- Unlike with care quality, it’s easy to show patients that care is cheaper in one country than in another. But many patients associate cheap services with lower quality. Providers have to show them this is not the case, and explain how they can offer such low prices while still doing good work. But they can’t do so unless they know how to market.
  • Specialist Specifics- Even if patients understand they can get better care at lower prices in a particular country, they don’t know which provider or facility will serve them best. Many simply choose the most popular hospitals and clinics, putting smaller practices at a disadvantage. Providers who work at these small practices need marketing to set themselves apart from the bigger players.

By limiting communication between patients and providers, these marketing issues not only prevent providers from making money, but also make it harder for patients to get the care they need. As a result, they limit the growth of the medical tourism market, potentially leading to higher prices and lower quality for the entire global healthcare system.

Medipedia’s Marketing Solutions

Medipedia is a blockchain platform that coordinates medical tourism services across the globe. It uses blockchain and other advanced technologies to solve the most serious problems of the medical tourism market, so that there is no barrier to patients finding the providers they need and providers serving them as effectively as possible. To that end, Medipedia has introduced an array of marketing resources, including:

  • Provider & Patient Matching- Medipedia vets all physicians and other providers who want to participate in the system, making sure they have the skills and track record to serve their patients effectively. Once a provider has been approved, all the information on their expertise is stored in a secure blockchain database. Then when patients search for medical services, the platform will automatically match them to the provider who can best provide those services. This puts small and large providers on an even footing while ensuring that all patients who can use their services know exactly what value they’d be getting.
  • Medipedia Consultations- In addition to letting patients search for healthcare services, Medipedia provides a remote consultation service for patients who want to know about facilities and services in a particular country. The platform shows them which clinics and providers have the best track records, what standard prices are, and what the pros and cons are of each treatment. Among other benefits, this makes patients less likely to just pick the most popular facility, and more likely to choose the one that is truly suited to their needs.
  • Social Media & Blog Surveys- Medipedia is designing a feature that aggregates all social media traffic, blog articles, customer reviews, and other content about specific treatments, countries, and facilities. This lets consumers who are looking for care abroad see which facilities and providers are getting the best reviews in any particular country. It also makes it easier for providers to promote themselves using social media, blogs, and other simple forms of digital marketing.

In addition to publicity problems, Medipedia is committed to solving issues with transparency, safety, payments, and a wide range of other medical tourism elements. For more information, take a look at our website today.

