What is Medipedia Symbiotic System?

3 min readJul 25, 2018


Medipedia.io is a blockchain powered healthcare service system, which aims to solve the various problems of the healthcare delivery system around the world and improve the quality of these services for medical consumers.

The Medipedia Symbiotic System is a special application within the platform that allows users to create their own medical market on the Medipedia blockchain. This will be possible because of all the data collected on the blockchain by decentralization of the medical information shared by the users and medical providers.

Medipedia is a decentralized blockchain that stores all the medical service records of all the transactions that are processed through this platform. These records stored in big data format are owned by the respective participants and can be used by them openly. Medical providers can use their service data and records to compare their service quality and technologies with that of other service providers on the platform and purchase advanced healthcare data and technologies that can be used for the improvement of their own services for the better of the consumers.

Medical records of certain diseases like side effects which are avoidable can be stored on the Medipedia network so that other users can learn from them to prevent such incidents in the future. This is a particularly useful application of this platform, as the service will be used by thousands, if not millions, of medical consumers, who can be kept informed of the latest medical researches, diseases, symptoms and precautions and the new developments in the field.

The Medipedia platform is also beneficial for third-party services like insurance companies that can benefit from the platform by accessing and using the secure medical data of patients to be able to create more targeted insurance products for service users. The platform can also be used by medical research institutes and pharmaceutical companies for using the medical data of thousands of consumers for developing better products and services for the growth of the industry.

In addition, Medipedia can also be used as a platform for informing the existing consumers about the new medical technologies and medicines that are introduced in the market on a regular basis in order to a establish a well-connected medical service market.

In order to make it easier for participants to activate and use this unique Symbiotic System of Medipedia, there is a dedicated social network within the platform where users can actively exchange their data with each other for a mutually beneficial relationship. The Medipedia Rewards System further encourages the participation and honest services from all the involved healthcare providers by providing them with compensation in terms of MEP rewards.

Interested yet? Want to know more about the Medipedia project, the ICO, the reward system, the Medipedia token, or the Symbiotic System? Read Medipedia whitepaper. The pre-sale of MEP tokens will be held in August 2018. The early investors will be offered attractive discounts along with free tokens (via the airdrop program).

