Medipedia Rewards System for More Benefits

3 min readJun 18, 2018


Medipedia is a decentralized ERC20 Ethereum blockchain based online healthcare information and service platform. It is a digital portal that patients can access to find complete and accurate information about the best healthcare services in a particular area. The service can also be used by medical institutions and hospitals to connect with patients. Medipedia is going to launch its own cryptocurrency — called Medipedia tokens or MEP token — which will provide a way to pay for medical services used on this platform.

Medipedia Rewards System

What is Medipedia Rewards System?

MEP coin is associated with a rewards program which allows users to get more benefits for their transactions. For each transaction on the Medipedia platform, the user will get certain reward points which can be redeemed as Medipedia tokens and used for further payment of services.

Medipedia Point Rewards System serves the following two major purposes:

  • Ensures cost-effective services to patients
  • Maintains the reliability by providing grades to medical providers based on their reward points

Reward points, as you may already know, is an added benefit that is given for special contribution by a member or on a good performance. In the case of Medipedia, the users will be awarded reward points for their transactions under certain conditions. The object is also to assess the reliability of medical providers and consumers so that only reliable services can be provided through the system.

MPR serves as a way to measure the reputation within the platform. The reward points cannot be transferred to other users and also cannot be used for the trading purpose. MPR points are granted for various economic activities, such as the use of medical services, advertising and other related services, performed by participants on the Medipedia platform. Unlike MEP, MPR cannot be moved out of the platform.

Other purposes of the Medipedia Reward Points Program is to encourage activity on the platform and measure the contribution of respective participants.

How does MPR (MediPedia Rewards) work?

As we mentioned above, reward points are granted for particular activities by users on the Medipedia platform. There is a bilateral review system which allows the platform users to share reviews about the services they used. For example, a patient can write a review about a particular medical provider and/or staff based on the satisfaction of service, treatment, friendliness, care and consultation. Both parties are given reward points based on these reviews.

Medipedia Rewards are paid for the following five types of activities:

  1. Account Creation
  2. Economic Transactions on the Platform
  3. Stacking on Endorsement
  4. Review activities
  5. Social Media Activity

In short, the award points are granted to the participants who make any kind of contribution towards the value growth of the platform.

The MPR reward points of a particular medical provider help confirm their professional level and service quality. Medical institutions, doctors, consultants and staff are rewarded for positive consumer reviews. The reward points can also be converted into MEP tokens and can be used for making payments of healthcare services on the platform. It further reduces the cost of treatment.

Applications of MPR

A part of the reward points can be converted into MEP tokens. The value of MEP and MPR points are not necessarily the same. Other applications and features of the reward points include the following:

  • Time limit — 24 months (self-destroyed after that)
  • Claim talent
  • Stacking on endorsement
  • Platform activity (coupon, advertisement, consultation)

Types of MPR

Some of the general types of Medipedia award points are as follows:

Basic MPR: Given to all participants for validating their Medipedia platform participant accounts.

Contribution MPR: Given for economic activities performed by the participants on the platform.

Expertise MPR: Given to participants who prove that they have a specific expertise, strength, skill or ability.

Review MPR: GIven to consumers for contributing reviews about services and service providers.

Professional counseling MPR: Given to medical service providers who deliver professional consultation services to consumers.

For more information, read the Medipedia white paper on the official website. The pre ICO sale of Medipedia tokens will be held in August 2018. Grab your account now.

For more details Visit at:

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Medipedia is a medical service and medical tourism ecosystem platform that uses blockchain technology.