The Complete Guide to Zodiac Signs and Their Meanings

Meditation and Yoga
12 min readMar 15, 2024


When you initially explore astrology, whether by perusing your horoscope or delving into the zodiac sign of someone you’re interested in, you’re likely delving into the realm of sun signs. The prominent, radiant celestial body spends around four weeks in each of the 12 zodiac signs, and your birthdate can typically indicate your associated sun sign. For example, if you receive numerous “HBD” texts on May 4, you’re identified as a Taurus, while those born on November 12 are considered solid Scorpios.

Your sun sign provides insights into aspects such as confidence, self-esteem, self-image, a sense of self, and identity. Additionally, it exerts influence on your life path. However, it’s just one component of your comprehensive astrological profile, known as a natal chart or birth chart, obtainable from an astrologer or through online services like This chart offers a glimpse not only into the sun but also considers the positions of the moon and planets in the sky at the precise moment of your birth, factoring in the vantage point from your birth location.

The complexity of these layers means that, for instance, your sun sign could be the harmony-seeking Libra, but at the time of your birth, Mercury — governing communication — resides in Aries, the sign known for its argumentative and competitive nature. This could create a dynamic where there’s a tug-of-war between your self-expression and self-perception, leading you to be more assertive and intense than the typical easygoing Libra. A notable illustration of this is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), who, despite being a Libra, displays assertiveness due to her moon in Aries, while her Venus (affecting her approach to relationships) and ascendant (shaping her outward impression) are in unfiltered, philosophical Sagittarius.

In essence, we all possess our personalized “astrological DNA,” a distinctive combination of astrology signs scattered across the celestial sphere. For a comprehensive understanding, refer to a complete guide of zodiac sign dates and an overview of the significance of each zodiac sign, encompassing key traits associated with each astrology sign, providing valuable insights as you navigate your birth chart.

Zodiac Sign Dates:

To identify your zodiac sign, simply locate your birthday within the following 12 zodiac sign dates. However, if your birthday falls on a day when the sun transitions from one astrology sign to another, known as a cusp, you’ll require your birth time for precise determination of your sun sign.

  • Aries ♈️: March 21 — April 19
  • Taurus ♉️: April 20 — May 20
  • Gemini ♊️: May 21 — June 20
  • Cancer ♋️: June 21 — July 22
  • Leo ♌️: July 23 — August 22
  • Virgo ♍️: August 23 — September 22
  • Libra ♎️: September 23 — October 22
  • Scorpio ♏️: October 23 — November 21
  • Sagittarius ♐️: November 22 — December 21
  • Capricorn ♑️: December 22 — January 19
  • Aquarius ♒️: January 20 — February 18
  • Pisces ♓️: February 19 — March 20

The Elements, Quadruplicities, and Houses:

Before delving into the details of each zodiac sign, it’s essential to understand key terms frequently encountered in astrological discussions. While you may already be familiar with the classification of signs into the four elements — Fire, Earth, Air, and Water — there’s an additional layer known as qualities or quadruplicities, each associated with three signs:

  1. Cardinal: These signs excel at big-picture thinking, initiation, and brainstorming, but may not be as strong in follow-through. The cardinal signs are Aries (Fire), Cancer (Water), Libra (Air), and Capricorn (Earth).
  2. Mutable: Known for their adaptability, mutable signs can be versatile, but on the downside, they may come across as indecisive. The mutable signs include Gemini (Air), Virgo (Earth), Sagittarius (Fire), and Pisces (Water).
  3. Fixed: These signs are characterized by their determination and ability to stand firm, sometimes bordering on stubbornness. The fixed signs consist of Taurus (Earth), Leo (Fire), Scorpio (Water), and Aquarius (Air).

In astrology, every planet and element in a chart falls under one of the 12 houses, each governing a distinct area of life. Every house is governed by one of the twelve astrological signs. Refer to the profiles below for an overview of the houses associated with each sign.

The 12 Zodiac Signs & Meanings:

Aries ♈️ (March 21 — April 19)

  • Symbol: The Ram
  • Ruling Planet: Mars
  • Ruling House: First House of Self
  • Key Traits: Competitive, energetic, impulsive, fearless

The cardinal fire sign, Aries, is renowned for its dynamic and athletic nature, coupled with an insatiable desire for victory. Individuals born under this sign take immense pride in being early adopters, eagerly embracing the latest trends, whether it’s the hottest new sneaker release or the most recent iPhone model. Known for their competitive spirit, Aries individuals seem to thrive on both competition and spirited debates. Those born under the sign of the Ram often exhibit qualities reminiscent of professional athletes, trend-setting influencers, or legal professionals. A notable example is Vice President Kamala Harris, a former prosecutor, who has her moon in Aries.

Aries zodiac sign

Taurus ♉️ (April 20 — May 20)

  • Symbol: The Bull
  • Ruling Planet: Venus
  • Ruling House: Second House of Income
  • Key Traits: Resolute, grounded, tenacious, sensual

The fixed earth sign is often labeled as the most steadfast among the zodiac, although it’s crucial to recognize that there’s a fixed sign in each element. Taureans, influenced by Venus, are surprisingly laid-back despite their reputation for stubbornness. They have a penchant for luxury and indulgence, displaying great loyalty and a strong appreciation for art — whether as creators or enthusiasts. A celebrity example resembling these traits is Ariana Grande; although her sun sign is Cancer, her Venus resides in the serene sign of Taurus. Taureans are known for their love of spa days and sweets. Their approach is characterized by a deliberate pace, whether in terms of maintaining a long fuse before getting riled up, taking their time to initiate action, or adopting a leisurely and languid demeanor in matters of intimacy.

Taurus zodiac sign

Gemini ♊️ (May 21 — June 20)

  • Symbol: The Twins
  • Ruling Planet: Mercury
  • Ruling House: Third House of Communication
  • Key Traits: Witty, curious, charming, flighty

The term “mercurial” seems tailor-made for Gemini, the mutable air sign that thrives on communication in all its forms. Geminis have a passion for expressing whatever is on their minds, embracing communication whenever and however it comes. A fitting example is Amy Schumer, with both her sun and Venus placed in this articulate air sign. However, it’s important not to assume that Geminis are always outgoing — they can seamlessly transition from reserved and shy to incredibly chatty in the blink of an eye. Leveraging their natural proficiency in language and social skills, Geminis often boast a broad and diverse circle of friends. They are drawn to career paths that enable self-expression and make use of their highly active minds, such as roles in marketing/PR, politics, or publishing.

Gemini zodiac sign

Cancer ♋️ (June 21 — July 22)

  • Symbol: The Crab
  • Ruling Planet: Moon
  • Ruling House: Fourth House of Home Life
  • Key Traits: Compassionate, giving, sentimental, nurturing

The cardinal water sign, influenced by the nurturing and radiant moon, stands out as one of the most imaginative and action-oriented members of the zodiac. Ruling the Fourth House, which is associated with family and home life, individuals with this sign are inherently homebodies. They prioritize their connections with loved ones and aspire to establish a lasting sense of security. However, their occasional crabbiness may surface when they feel frustrated, burdened, or find themselves in a moody state. In response, they retreat into their self-protective “shells,” seeking solitude to attend to their own needs before reengaging with others and resuming their caretaking role. A notable personality reflecting the qualities of this endearing water sign is Mindy Kaling, who possesses a stellium — her sun, moon, and Mercury — in this particular sign.

Cancer zodiac sign

Leo ♌️ (July 23 — August 22)

  • Symbol: The Lion
  • Ruling Planet: Sun
  • Ruling House: Fifth House of Romance and Self-Expression
  • Key Traits: Charismatic, generous, optimistic, dramatic

The fixed fire sign, governed by the confident sun, exudes a positive, cheerful, and enthusiastic aura. These individuals, as driven and self-assured leaders, are inherently inclined toward taking proactive steps in life. Fueled by a combination of magnetism, luck, and an unwavering belief in themselves, they are born with the conviction that they can achieve their most ambitious dreams. A noteworthy example is former President Barack Obama, with both his sun and Mercury placed in this charismatic fire sign. While they may grapple with being overly self-focused, these individuals are capable of exceptional loyalty and devotion. They delight in showering their loved ones with playful energy and the finest things life has to offer.

Leo zodiac sign

Virgo ♍️ (August 23 — September 22)

  • Symbol: The Virgin or Maiden
  • Ruling Planet: Mercury
  • Ruling House: Sixth House of Wellness and Daily Routine
  • Key Traits: Health-conscious, analytical, service-oriented, detail-focused

The mutable earth sign, influenced by Mercury, may easily be mistaken for an air sign due to their consistently active minds. Virgos, lovers of lists, spreadsheets, and blank journals, excel as researchers, standout organizers, and essentially, the A students of the zodiac. Characterized by a strong penchant for perfectionism, they derive immense satisfaction from putting in hard work to ensure that the end result of any endeavor is “just right” — whether it’s a recipe, a professional project, or the search for an ideal partner. A prime example is Beyonce, whose sun is in this earth sign, contributing to the creation of entertainment and art that captivates us. When it comes to relationships, Virgos willingly contort themselves to provide help and service to their nearest and dearest.

Virgo zodiac sign

Libra ♎️ (September 23 — October 22)

  • Symbol: The Scales
  • Ruling Planet: Venus
  • Ruling House: Seventh House of Partnership
  • Key Traits: Romantic, artistic, indecisive, diplomatic

The cardinal air sign is inherently driven to bring balance, harmony, and justice to both their work and relationships. Influenced by Venus, they are enthusiasts of art and beauty, renowned as social butterflies and exceptional hosts. As the rulers of the Seventh House of Partnership, they place a premium on one-on-one connections, particularly of the romantic kind. Despite their inclination towards achieving serenity and establishing connections with a diverse array of individuals, they are far from conformists. These individuals, exemplified by the likes of Serena Williams, are go-getters who stand up for their beliefs, dream big, and invest the necessary time and energy to secure fair outcomes.

Libra zodiac sign

Scorpio ♏️ (October 23 — November 21)

  • Symbol: The Scorpion
  • Ruling Planets: Pluto and Mars
  • Ruling House: Eighth House of Emotional Bonds and Sexual Intimacy
  • Key Traits: Mysterious, magnetic, power-seeking, spiritual

The fixed water sign is renowned as one of, if not the most, private signs in the zodiac. Co-ruled by transformative Pluto and the determined Mars, individuals of this sign have the ability to captivate others with their intense, powerful presence and an aura of mystery. They are deeply connected to their spirituality and sexuality, yet they keep their emotions and intentions close to their chest. A prime example is the fiercely private family man Ryan Gosling, whose sun and Mercury are in this water sign. Even after spending years in a relationship — whether platonic, romantic, or business-related — with a Scorpio, one may not fully comprehend the intricacies of their emotional wounds and occasionally rough-around-the-edges demeanor. However, once Scorpios become emotionally entangled, their resolute and laser-focused nature ensures their unwavering commitment.

Scorpio zodiac sign

Sagittarius ♐️ (November 22 — December 21)

  • Symbol: The Archer
  • Ruling Planet: Jupiter
  • Ruling House: Ninth House of Adventure and Higher Learning
  • Key Traits: Philosophical, free-spirited, unfiltered, wanderlusting

Influenced by the expansive Jupiter, which imparts a magnifying effect to all it touches, Sagittarians emerge as large, life-embracing personalities. These individuals revel in globe-trotting, thrive at the heart of any celebration, and have an insatiable appetite for exploring all that life has to offer. Born philosophers, they exhibit boundless passion for their beliefs and possess a proclivity for frequently standing on a soapbox to share their worldview, often in a direct and unfiltered manner. A notable example is President Biden, whose ascendant is in Sagittarius, contributing to his reputation for employing a no-nonsense rhetoric with the familiar address of “Folks!” Sagittarians naturally excel as comedians, entertainers, politicians, or in any career that allows for extensive travel

Sagittarius zodiac sign

Capricorn ♑️ (December 22 — January 19)

  • Symbol: The Goat
  • Ruling Planet: Saturn
  • Ruling House: Tenth House of Career and Public Image
  • Key Traits: Traditional, down-to-earth, industrious, disciplined

If you’re seeking someone perpetually motivated and driven to achieve on your team, you’ll want to enlist the support of someone with the cardinal earth sign Capricorn in their chart. Individuals born under Capricorn are on a lifelong ascent up a series of increasingly challenging peaks, propelled by their determination to diligently work, succeed, and earn recognition. This drive often earns them a reputation for being workaholics. However, beyond their industrious nature, Capricorns are extremely loyal and possess a dry, gut-busting sense of humor. They excel in showing what’s achievable through a committed, pragmatic, steady, and grounded approach. A notable example is John Legend, an industrious double Capricorn with both his sun and rising/ascendant sign in this earthy sign.

Capricorn zodiac sign

Aquarius ♒️ (January 20 — February 18)

  • Symbol: The Water Bearer
  • Ruling Planet: Uranus
  • Ruling House: Eleventh House of Networking
  • Key Traits: Humanitarian, eccentric, individualistic, cool

The fixed air sign is gaining significant attention as we enter what’s been termed the “Age of Aquarius.” Individuals influenced by the Water Bearer’s energy are characterized as quirky, generally progressive, skeptical, and social in a cool, aloof, and friends-with-everyone manner. Those with Aquarius in their charts are inherently wired to prioritize the collective “we” over the individual “me,” gravitating towards causes and activities that consider the greater good of society. A notable example is Alicia Keys, who has a stellium, meaning three or more planets or points in the same sign, in Aquarius — her sun, Mercury, and Mars. Aquarians tend to prefer platonic relationships over deeply intimate entanglements, and they may even opt for non-traditional arrangements, as they enjoy challenging conventions whenever possible. With the influence of electric Uranus, they are often tech-savvy and inclined towards a science-minded perspective.

Aquarius zodiac sign

Pisces ♓️ (February 19 — March 20)

  • Symbol: The Fish
  • Ruling Planets: Neptune
  • Ruling House: Twelfth House of Spirituality
  • Key Traits: Empathic, artistic, psychic, dreamy

Picture being not only highly attuned to your own emotions but also wired to sense and absorb everyone else’s feelings. This describes the mental landscape of individuals with a significant presence of the mutable water sign Pisces in their chart. Exceptionally sensitive and intuitive, Pisceans are often identified as healers, hopeless romantics, artists, and escapists within the zodiac. While they possess an inclination to immerse themselves in otherworldly daydreams as a means of escaping emotional pain, the healthiest way for them to channel these deeply-felt emotions is through creative outlets such as theater, music, or poetry. A notable example is the late RBG, whose sun and Venus were in this water sign. Thanks to the influence of Neptune, Pisceans boast vivid imaginations and are open to exploring realms related to spirituality, the metaphysical, and psychology.

Pisces zodiac sign


In conclusion, astrology offers a fascinating and intricate framework for understanding ourselves and others. While sun signs provide a basic glimpse into our personality and life path, they represent just the tip of the astrological iceberg. Delving deeper into your natal chart, which includes the positions of the moon, planets, and houses at your birth, can reveal a more comprehensive and nuanced astrological DNA unique to you. Embracing the full spectrum of astrological elements allows for a richer, more nuanced understanding of personal strengths, challenges, and the dynamic interplay between the various facets of our identities. Whether you’re a seasoned astrology enthusiast or a curious newcomer, the journey into the celestial sphere is a rewarding exploration of the self and the universe around us.


For those looking to celebrate their zodiac identity, consider our Sterling Silver Zodiac collection. Each piece is designed to honor the unique characteristics and beauty of your astrological sign. Explore the collection here and find a piece that resonates with your celestial self.

