Agriculture and health industries adopt blockchain technology. MedK pioneers this process.

5 min readJul 19, 2019


MedK’s Mission and Vision

“MEDK is planning to develop greenhouse establishments for growing cannabis in an ecological system, in accordance with the European Union standards” says Daniel Ionuț Cojocaru, MedK’s founder. “We will introduce economically efficient technologies in order to ensure optimal conditions for the activity, in accordance with the current market requirements. At the same time, the added value we bring is given by products made through conditioning activities, respectively the creation of an integrated food chain through investments in production links — conditioning — storage — processing — marketing” added the founder.

Among the benefits of using the extracted substance (CBD oil) are: pain relief; anxiety and depression reduction; cancer-related symptoms alleviation; acne reduction; relieving heart diseases and several other potential health benefits.

By introducing blockchain technology in the medical field, MedK team brings in the necessary equipment for the development of the projected technological flows. The raised funds will also be allocated to the construction works and installations for the set up of the specific infrastructure. These are: agricultural production (with sampled operations of cannabis cultivation in ecological system); conditioning (sorting, labeling and refrigeration storage, in order to preserve the integrity of primary agricultural production); construction and installation infrastructure.

MedK’s vision is bringing the benefits of CBD oil in Romania and setting the benchmark for new medical research. “The project was initiated on 10th of June 2019. With the help of the blockchain technology, we plan to sell 550 million MedK tokens by 1st of November 2019 and use it all for bringing the medical research from Romania to a whole new level. We already sold 30 million tokens, one month ahead of schedule. The price for 1 MedK started at $0.05 in the PreICO phase (stage 1), but its value increases with each step, reaching $0.20, by the end of the last sale stage. We offer bonuses in each phase of the project, to all buyers” says Daniel Ionuț Cojocaru.

There are many benefits of engaging the blockchain technology in the health industry, according to MedK:

● Keeping the evidence of each strain of cannabis;

● Keeping complete evidence of CBD production;

● High-speed financial solution: Rapid transactions and confirmations with 2.5 minutes block times;

● Keeping expenses down (low spending, with less fees);

● Scalability: Support and fast blocks provide ample transaction bandwidth;

● Future-proof: Lightning network support provides instant transactions and future scalability;

● Banking data protection;

● Transparent maintenance of funds.

Project stages:

  1. Sale stage 1 (35% bonus):

June 10th — July 1st 2019 (completed)

  1. Sale stage 2 (25% bonus):

July 2nd — Aug 15th 2019

  1. Sale stage 3 (15% bonus):

Aug 16th — Sep 22nd 2019

  1. Sale stage 4 (5% bonus):

Sep 23rd — Nov 1st 2019

MedK’s Achievements:

● Pioneering the concept of implementing blockchain technology into the agriculture and medical industry;

● The PreICO phase (sale stage 1) was so well received that it accelerated the process;

● 30 million tokens were sold 1 month ahead of schedule;

● The 2nd sale stage is already in place, due to the great evolution of the 1st phase.

Raised funds’ distribution:

● 70% — Greenhouses (research & development)

● 10% — Marketing & other general expenses

● 10% — Security and blockchain platform maintenance

● 5% — Legal & Licence

● 5% — Research and further development

MedK’s development plan includes:

● 3 types of growing facilities are envisioned: outside (for obtaining plants with the highest CBD percentage); greenhouse and indoors;

● Purchasing the most advanced harvesting and sorting machinery;

● Taking the cannabis research and medical use in Romania to a whole new level.

Legislative framework:

In Romania, MedK’s activity is authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, by law №339 / 2005, Art. 12(1), Art.15 (3) — paragraph 1. As such, MedK is allowed to cultivate cannabis, with a low concentration of THC, in order to extract the CBD oil from the plants, which is not a psychoactive substance, but has multiple beneficial properties in many areas of research, and especially in medicine. The final products are 100% used for medical purposes.

The aforementioned law regulates and establishes the legal regime for the “cultivation, production, manufacture, storage, trade, distribution, transport, possession, offering, transmission, intermediation, acquisition, use and transit on the national territory of spontaneous or cultivated plants, narcotic and psychotropic substances and preparations (…) if they are processed for technical purposes in order to produce strains, fibers, seeds and oil for scientific and medical use”.

About the company:

The MedK project is a part of Security Soft company, registered in London, United Kingdom.

The team behind MedK includes people with extensive IT experience, consultants with expertise in medicine, agriculture, design and stock market, to name just a few covered areas. The members of the team are constantly expanding their knowledge in cannabis use and the latest technological trends, with the establishment of high-level research standards. Their purpose is to reinvent this area of the medical world.

By releasing the company’s own token (named MEDK), the team envisions a smooth process when it comes to financing and upholding the project with the same name. Which, as mentioned above, consists in planting and growing cannabis plants with the final purpose of extracting the CBD OIL, to be used in medical research only.

You can learn more by visiting MedK’s website:

Get in touch with the team by sending an email to

