When you lose respect in my eyes

… and when you gain



The below applies to me as much as to anyone else.

  • If you be nice to someone, but start spewing crap about them as soon as they turn their back, you lose respect in my eyes.
  • If you say something but do the opposite or don’t even try to live up to what you said, you lose respect in my eyes.
  • If you behave like you are the king of this world while everyone else is an idiot, you lose respect in my eyes.
  • If you are not loyal, you don’t have any respect in my eyes.
  • If you are all about negativity and pessimism and cynicism, you probably will never be able to earn my respect.

On the other hand…

  • If you are kind to everyone, even though you may not be smart or witty or full of wisdom, you command my respect.
  • If you are patient with the ones less fortunate than you; if you listen to the ones who are less experienced than you without dismissing them in between, you demand my respect.
  • If you can empathize instead of faking sympathy, you earn my respect.
  • If you give without expecting anything in return, you definitely gain my respect.
  • If you have the courage to side with what’s right, even though the world be against you, then you are truly worthy of my respect.

[ The photo is of a colleague (who shall remain unnamed as I post this without her consent) during the good old days of ABAP training, doing what she does best. And yes I did respect a lot of those guys for their dedication towards learning.]




Family First. Programmer, Writer, Poet, Life Hacker, Friend.