It’s all a bunch of bullsh*t!

Michael Doane
3 min readNov 8, 2020

Barry Commoner and the Citizens’ Party took the country by storm with this frank ad about the state of politics.

How one controversial word lead to the short-lived rise of a third party candidate in the 1980 election.

On a dreary March day in 44 BCE, a group of senators rushed the newly-elected dictator, Julius Caesar, and stabbed him 23 times. It was an action that was meant to save the Republic, but because the polis — the common folk — loved Caesar, the assassination led to a series of civil wars that cemented Rome’s future as an Empire.

Goes to show how fragile representative democracy is…

Always one step away from dictatorship, and two away from collapse.

Perhaps that’s why every election cycle is called, “ the most important election of our lifetimes.”

But let’s get away from the weight of politics for a minute…

The world is a complicated and messy place. That was as true a statement in 1979 as it is today.

Jimmy Carter was up for re-election in just a year and a new face in town, the good ol’ former actor. Ronald Reagan, was looking to take his mantle.

