5 Proven Strategies for Mastering Body Fat Percentage Reduction

Med oussema zaier
5 min readAug 17, 2023


In today’s hustle and bustle world, maintaining a lean physique has become an increasingly difficult task.
While the popularity of processed foods is a constant source of attraction, so is the appeal of fast food. Whether you’re at work or home, a quick click gets you that flavorful yet not-so-healthy treat. Finding foods low in saturated fats and sugar, though, is a different difficult story may i say. This struggle can be attributed to our busy schedules, leaving us with little time to prepare nutritious meals at home.
In this article, I’ll delve into the five tips that personally helped me transition from a 25% body fat percentage to a lean 13%.


Tip 1: Calculate your intake

A fundamental but often overlooked tip is to accurately calculate your calorie requirements. This involves not only measuring your calorie intake, but also paying attention to essential macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. If your body fat percentage is over 25%, it’s advisable to base your calorie calculation on your lean body mass. For example, if your total weight is 100 kg and your body fat percentage is 25%, consider consuming calories as if your weight were 75 kg (which represents your lean body mass). This personalized strategy is an essential starting point in your journey towards a healthier body composition.
Here’s an online calories calculator that can help you: https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html
you simply enter your information and you will get this table, from here you need to substract 200–400kcal.
Rest assured, I’ll also be penning another article that delves even deeper into the intricacies of managing your calorie intake.

example of calories intake with calculator.net

Tip 2: Strength “AND” Cardio exercises

Moving on to the next tip, it’s crucial to strike a balance between strength and cardio exercises. A common oversight I observe is individuals focusing solely on cardio workouts. While there’s no harm in pursuing cardio, and it can indeed contribute to your goals, it’s equally important to incorporate strength exercises. Not only do these exercises help in toning loose skin following weight loss, but they also play a vital role in maintaining overall health, which is the ultimate objective of our efforts.

Tip 3: Small treat Can Impact Your Progress

Did you realize that just one tablespoon of olive oil contains a whopping 119 calories? Similarly, a tablespoon serving of peanut butter comes in at 180 calories.
Now, let’s consider a scenario: you diligently track your calorie intake, but there are moments when you find yourself in the kitchen casually snacking on almonds, peanut butter, and other such treats. It might seem harmless at the time — a small indulgence, you think. However, if you repeat this pattern two or three times throughout the day, you could unknowingly accumulate a surplus of 300 to 400 calories. Remarkably, that’s the exact range you initially subtracted from your daily maintenance calories.
The outcome? In the best-case scenario, you might maintain your current weight, but it’s quite possible that you might even notice some unwanted weight gain. This highlights the significance of being mindful about these seemingly minor extras to ensure your progress stays on track.

180 calories of peanut butter yet it’s small serving

Tip 4: The Art of Cheat Meals

When I embarked on my fitness journey, I used to incorporate a cheat meal every two weeks. However, these cheat meals often turned into excessive feasts, sometimes even end up doubling my usual caloric maintenance intake due to the high-fat content in junk food. This habit, combined with a simple calculation, could quickly undermine weeks of hard work and progress.
Now, let me be clear — there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to a cheat meal. It’s a positive way to reward your efforts. Yet, it’s important to approach it mindfully. Opt for a cheat meal that doesn’t excessively spike your calorie count, and if possible, plan and calculate the intake. Striving to stay within your maintenance calorie range on cheat days is a smart move. Even if you go slightly over by 200 or 400 calories, don’t stress — that’s why it’s called a “cheat” meal, after all.

excessive cheat meal

Tip 5: Consistency

Here’s a reality spoil for you: Instant results aren’t the norm, especially in a month or two. Setting achievable targets is vital. Losing 30kg in just one month? Let’s put that into perspective — you’ve built your current state over years with certain habits. Can we really expect to undo it all in a mere month?
Remember, consistency is your ally. Progress might take time, and it’s influenced by factors like genetics and your commitment to a healthy life style. Think of this journey as a steady climb. You’ve got to keep moving to reach your destination. Trust the process, and you’ll eventually arrive where you want to be.

Just keep moving


From calculating your intake with precision to finding equilibrium between strength and cardio exercises, these strategies offer a holistic approach. The art of the cheat meal teaches us to indulge wisely, celebrating small victories without compromising progress. And through it all, remember, your commitment and genetics influence the pace of your journey.
Step by step, you ascend toward your aspirations, each effort accumulating to forge a lasting change. Uphold these strategies, cultivate your determination, and trust the journey. Eventually, you’ll stand at the summit of your goals, not as a fleeting achievement, but as a testament to the power of consistency and dedication.

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Med oussema zaier

Passionate Flutter Engineer & Full-Stack Developer | Creating Exquisite Mobile Apps | Node.js & Next Wizard | Follow me for Pro Tips, Motivation, and Lifestyle