The Art of Sustained Motivation: Unveiling the 5 Key Secrets

Med oussema zaier
5 min readAug 18, 2023


Today, we’re diving into a crucial topic that affects us all: how to stay motivated. We’ve all been there — feeling unmotivated and unproductive, then blaming ourselves and getting stressed out about it. But guess what? You’re not alone, I’ve walked that path, and so have countless others. The important thing is realizing your missteps and making corrections. That is why I’m excited to share five valuable tips that have helped me boost my motivation and productivity.

Motivation key words

Tip 1: Mastering Daily Scheduling

Unless you have a remarkable memory, which I personally don’t, it’s crucial to keep a track of your day. You don’t have to go to extremes to record every detail. Instead, think of writing down your daily tasks while you’re sipping your morning coffee or shortly after you wake up. But here’s the golden rule: be pragmatic with your to-do list. Set achievable goals for the day, making sure they have a high chance of being achieved. Unrealized expectations lead to frustration and melancholy, and our journey deserves better than that.
Now imagine this, at the end of the day, assume the role of both supervisor and employee. Conduct a review, evaluate your progress as a responsible employer would measure the achievements of his team. I assure you, the thrill of checking off all your tasks is a reward in itself.
That’s the beauty of modern life: an arsenal of tools at your disposal to enhance your productivity. Whether it’s your trusty notebook, your phone’s “notes” app, Google Calendar or one of the countless to-do apps winking at you from your Play Store, there’s plenty to choose from.

Checking todo

Tip 2: Motivation VS Discipline

There are days when we simply don’t feel up to working out, tackling tasks, or engaging in anything productive. It’s completely normal, motivation isn’t a constant. So, if you wake up with a sense of lack of energy, don’t worry— it’s par for the course.
This is where discipline comes into play. Discipline, as defined by Wikipedia,

Discipline commonly refers to rule-following behavior, regulation, order, control, and authority.

Let’s put that into our productivity drink. Think of it as a personal contract that you honor. Reflect on the journey you’ve embarked upon — the sweat, the work, the months, even years of dedication. Ask yourself: Are you ready to let it all go? Discipline becomes your unfailing ally, urging you to keep the promises you’ve made to yourself. Accountability becomes your North Star, ensuring that you stay the course, even when motivation leaves you.

Motivation VS Discipline

Tip 3: The Mine of Tasks

Have you ever found yourself endlessly scrolling through social media or endlessly watching Netflix, convinced that you’ve got nothing left to do? It’s a trap we all fall into. While our to-do list may seem complete, in reality there’s a treasure of tasks waiting to be unearthed — those little gems that slipped through the cracks and never got added to the daily list.
That’s where the magic of a “The Mine of Tasks” note comes in. It’s like a safe for your desired tasks that have no deadline but you want to do them. Imagine writing an article, or any other project you may have in mind. These are not time-bound obligations, this is your personal playground, open whenever you need it. The next time you have free time on your hands, open the mine and let these tasks shine. It’s a secret arsenal against idle moments, a ticket to unprecedented productivity.

The Mine of Tasks

Tip 4: Habit vs Goal

Consider the idea that goals are not the key to success. Sound strange? Well, finish your read. I came across this huge insight while reading James Clear’s book “Atomic Habits”.
Now consider this: You want to lose 10 kg. That’s admirable. But, let’s face it, what happens once those numbers are down? The danger is that you fall back into old habits, the very ones that led you down this path in the first place. That’s where habits come in.
Think of it like: athletes and their sculpted physiques. What’s their secret? It’s not just a matter of achieving short-lived goals, but a lifestyle based on solid habits. Let’s say you’re rethinking your diet. Instead of focusing on that 10 kg goal, concentrate on what athletes will do: Will an athlete eat junk food every day? Will an athlete stop training? Of course not, healthy eating, regular training and unwavering commitment are the key. The trick is to turn these practices into habits that shape your days and guide you towards permanent transformation. It’s not a finish line, but a journey sculpted by habits that redefine your path to success.

habit vs goal

Tip 5: The Power of Rewards

Do you remember those childhood days when a job well done earned us treats and rewards? It’s a universal feeling that persists into adulthood. We’re all wired that way, looking for that sweet affirmation when we accomplish something remarkable.
Guess what? This desire also works marvellous magic with productivity. You can reward yourself for a job well done. However, as with any good balance, moderation is the key. Reserve rewards for major milestones: avoid a waterfall of rewards for small achievements, which preserves the sanctity of a well-deserved reward. By adopting this mindful approach, you’ll not only improve your work, but also revel in the satisfaction of a well-deserved reward.

Power of Rewards


Our journey to sustainable motivation revealed five essential secrets. We recognized the normality of motivational dips, harnessed the stabilizing power of discipline, harnessed the potential of diverse tasks, embraced habits as transformative tools, and harnessed rewards for steady progress. Equipped with this knowledge, we now possess the compass that will enable us to navigate the rough seas of motivation and move towards a more productive and fulfilling life.

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Med oussema zaier

Passionate Flutter Engineer & Full-Stack Developer | Creating Exquisite Mobile Apps | Node.js & Next Wizard | Follow me for Pro Tips, Motivation, and Lifestyle