Are You Ever Tempted To Try Extreme Weight Loss Diets?

Medshape Weight Loss Clinic
4 min readJun 22, 2017


Was there a point where you had to dress up for an occasion and you wanted to look great by getting the most absolute good-looking outfit you can wear?But wait — you have gained weight and suddenly notice those fat bags under your chin. Oh no! This is why most people buy the idea of extreme weight loss diets and go through a lot of approaches just to lose weight. But going on extreme diets for weight loss can only be applied for a brief span and has its outcomes in a short time. Let’s look at some of these methods:

Meal Replacements. This is the kind of diet where you supplant meals with liquids or drinks either in shakes or bars. They are taken amid regular meals and are supposed to be loaded with health-giving goodness, short the heaps of calories and fats. As to the amount of weight you will lose? It will depend on the number of calories you consume. Some research has shown that meal replacements can be as successful as the traditional reduced calorie diets in helping people lose weight but only temporarily. Shakes are also limited in flavors so if you do not like strawberry, chocolate or vanilla, then this kind of diet may not be your best option.

Vegan Diets. This extreme weight loss diet keeps you away from any animal products and prohibits meat from your diet plan. You will need to severely stick to just fruits and vegetables and go meat-free if you need to drop weight fast. Some of the best organic foods to incorporate into your diet are apples, blueberries, blackberries, melon, cranberries, oranges and strawberries. While the best vegetables include tomatoes, onions, lettuce, cabbage, celery, broccoli, carrots and mushrooms. Vegan diets can be effective in a sense that it eliminates fatty animal foods leading to less calorie intake. They are healthy however there is a chance you may also fall in some areas of nutrition.

Liquid Diets. This type of diet means shifting exclusively on liquid foods. Regular meals are replaced and be dependent solely on liquids to get you through the day. This can quickly lead to a large loss of weight but not very effective for long lasting good health. Nutrition experts strongly advise against such diets as a way to shed pounds because it constricts your body of consuming your daily allowance of nutrients. Overdoing this kind of diet is also not helpful and that most of the weight you have lost will be put back on once you go back to eating solid food.

Diet Pills. Popularly known as “magic pills”, this kind of diet is common to those looking for a quick weight loss. Imagine a promising weight loss of at least 3 lbs to 5 lbs in just over a week typically. The pill aims to reduce your appetite, slow down your metabolism and consumption of calories. Some have claimed they have lost so much pounds in just a matter of days. However, one needs to take extreme caution when ingesting diet pills. These pills sometimes come with serious side effects such as palpitations, insomnia or restlessness. Many diet pills can also cause your body to lose water which can result to dehydration. Prevent this by not forgetting the “8 glasses” daily rule.

Extreme weight loss diets have its own advantages and disadvantages. One great benefit is the instant drop of weight. The drawback is that it can only be done for a short span of time. Once you go back to your normal eating, you will gain back your weight and may even realize you gained more than your usual. It is always best to seek the advice of a qualified dietitian on what weight loss diets will be good for you. It is important to make lifestyle changes to help support and maintain weight loss for a long term.

Avoid the lure of shortcuts. Do it the right way!

