She-Hulk Smash!

Lacey R. M.
3 min readJan 10, 2023

S​he-Hulk: Attorney At Law

Photo by Creativehatti via Pixabay

S​poliers Included

I binged watched She-Hulk yesterday, and I loved it!

Jennifer Walters, is a 30- something year old lawyer, who just wanted to live her life and climb the latter in her job. Her plans changed when she got in an accident with her cousin Bruce. Jen didn’t let becoming the She-Hulk stop her from her goals.

T​hroughout the show, Jen points out all the bullshit women put up with. From muggers, to having to work twice as hard to only receive half the recognition. Jen is a feminist icon in this show, and points out that the new reporters adding Sheto Hulk is so uncesscarry. Just like saying Girl Boss, instead of a Boss, or Female President rather than just a President.

Was Marvel calling themselves out on the She-Hulk name?

The Story

T​he story follows Jen navigating life in her career, hulking out, friendship, and love life. Marvel shined a light on what its like to be a woman from helpful bathroom ladies to online dating. They did the online dating life justice. The creeps and superficial people is more prevalent in online dating that anyone wants to deal with.

I do wish they didn’t down play She-Hulk’s strength. From the Island scene it seem to me, that she could beat Hulk in a fight. Why give her fights with mostly non super powered people? Could it be that she doesn’t want to be a superhero, and doesn’t come across super villains to fight? Then again Marvel could have had her battle the Abomination.

M​aybe bigger fights will come in another season?

4​th Wall Breaking- an opinionated view

Photo by Erik Mclean via Pexels

S​he-Hulk had a lot of 4th wall breaking in the series. I didn’t mind it at first, and thought it was well done. Since I binged watched it, it got annoying after a while. If it was funny one-liners, I wouldn’t be complaining as much. I’m the type that doesn’t like to be yanked out of a story by POVs. Even Deadpool’s 4th wall breaking gets annoying to me. (I know it’s a part of his personality)

The finale really rips you out of the story, it felt like nails on a chalk board. I’m all for the character to have a voice, but yeesh. 4th wall breaking needs to make sense at the very lest, not story filler.

T​he Character Reveal

A​t the end of the show they a character that maybe a big clue about the next avenger movies. Hulk’s son Skaar! He comes from the planet Sakaar, and is the son of Cairea the Oldstrong. The events that come along with Skaar in from the comics are what makes me think he could have to do with the newer Avenger movies coming. Including Galactus, Doctor Doom, and the Red Hulk.

F​un Fact: there is a comic with M.O.D.A.K.’s head attached to Galactus’ butt. Maybe that’s the M.O.D.A.K. reveal we’ll get?



Lacey R. M.

I write about a variety of topics but mostly nerdy things