How to Export the Entire Ethereum Blockchain to CSV in 2 hours for $10

Evgeny Medvedev
Published in
5 min readMay 27, 2018


In my previous article Exporting and Analyzing Ethereum Blockchain I introduced the Ethereum ETL tool and provided step-by-step instructions for exporting Ethereum data to CSV files and analyzing it in Amazon Athena and QuickSight (also read Ethereum Blockchain on Google BigQuery).

In this article I will show you how to use AWS Data Pipeline and AWS AutoScaling to parallelize the exporting process to tens and hundreds of instances and reduce the exporting time to hours or even minutes, while keeping the costs low thanks to EC2 Spot Instances.

The whole process is divided into 4 steps:

  • Increasing AWS limits
  • Preparing a custom AMI
  • Creating a Data Pipeline
  • Creating an Auto Scaling Group

Increasing AWS Limits

AWS maintains service limits for each account to help guarantee the availability of AWS resources, as well as to minimize billing risks for new customers. Some service limits are raised automatically over time as you use AWS, though most AWS services require that you request limit increases manually. This process may take a few hours or days.

For this task you will need to increase:

  • Objects per Pipeline Limit in Data Pipeline: 1000. You only need to increase it if you want to export more than 4 million blocks in a single pipeline.
  • EC2 Spot Instances: 100. If your account is new they will only increase it to 20 or lower at first.

You can find detailed instructions on how to increase the limits here

Preparing a custom AMI

The requirements for a custom AMI for Data Pipeline are listed here

If you’re running Ubuntu, you will need to create an account named ec2-user by following these instructions

You will also need to add ec2-user to sudoers file. Open terminal window and type:

sudo visudo

In the bottom of the file, type the follow:


A few Ethereum ETL related checks:

> git clone
> cd ethereum-etl
> pip3 install -e .
  • Make sure geth downloaded the blocks you want to export:
> geth attach 
> eth.syncing
currentBlock: 5583296,
highestBlock: 5583377,
knownStates: 65750401,
pulledStates: 65729512,
startingBlock: 5268399
  • Make sure geth is launched on startup. The simplest way is to add it to crontab:
> echo "nohup geth --cache=1024 &" > ~/geth/ && chmod +x ~/geth/
> crontab -e
@reboot /home/ec2-user/geth/ >>/home/ec2-user/geth/crontab.log 2>&1

After you’ve downloaded the jar file create ~/task-runner/ file with the following content:

nohup java -jar /home/ec2-user/task-runner/TaskRunner-1.0.jar --config /home/ec2-user/task-runner/credentials.json --workerGroup=ethereum-etl --region=us-east-1 --logUri=s3://<your_bucket>/task-runner/logs --tasks 1 &

credentials.json file should contain your access and secret key for the account that has access to the S3 bucket:

{ "access-id":"MyAccessKeyID", "private-key": "MySecretAccessKey" }

Add it to crontab:

chmod +x ~/task-runner/start.shcrontab -e
@reboot /home/ec2-user/task-runner/ >>/home/ec2-user/task-runner/crontab.log 2>&1
  • Create a new AMI and remember its ID. It will be used in the next step.

Creating a Data Pipeline

For creating the pipeline I used Troposphere, which is a Python library to create AWS CloudFormation descriptions.

  • Clone Ethereum Export Pipeline:
> git clone
> cd ethereum-export-pipeline
  • Edit the file and modify the block ranges that you want to export. By default the first 5 million blocks will be exported:
  • Generate CloudFormation template file:
> python3 --output export_pipeline.template
  • Log in to the CloudFormation consolein N.Virginia region
  • Create a new stack by specifying the generated export_pipeline.template file. You will need to change the bucket name where CSV files will be uploaded. Optionally you can customize the Command field, e.g. you can remove parts of the script if you only need to export blocks, transactions or ERC20 transfers.

After you’ve created your pipeline it will be waiting for workers to start running the activities.

Creating an Auto Scaling Group

  • Choose the Security Group and proceed with the creation wizard.
  • Create an Auto Scaling Group:
  • Choose the Launch Configuration you created on the previous step.
  • Specify the group size — how many instances you want to export the CSVs in parallel.
  • Proceed with the wizard.

After the ASG is created you can see it launch new instances in the Activity History tab:

You can check your Data Pipeline start to run the activities on the instances in the Execution Details page in Data Pipeline console, providing you with all the details and logs:

Each instance will run 10 activities at a time, unfortunately this number is not customizable.

The CSV files will be in the S3 bucket you specified when creating the pipeline.

You will need to manually remove the Auto Scaling group and the Data Pipeline Stack after the process is finished.

You may want to convert the CSVs to Parquet to optimize query performance. You can find the instructions here: Converting Ethereum ETL files to Parquet

Also read:

