How to Choose the Best Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine(MRI) for Your Hosptial Needs

7 min readOct 26, 2022


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MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machines are among the most widely used imaging machines today. MRI scans provide experts with a high level of quality and detail on images, making it easier to analyze and diagnose cases.

However, like most other high-end medical devices, they are expensive. Not only that, these machines come in different types and variations. Therefore, users need proper education before going to the market for one. This article is a step in that direction.

What Is An MRI Machine?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging is one of the most widely used techniques in medicine. An MRI scan uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed, three-dimensional images of the inside of the body. An MRI Machine or MRI Scanner is simply a machine used to conduct this scan.

We wouldn’t dare drag you into the deep physics of the process, as it’s a tad bit complicated! But we’ll still try to explain how the scanner works.

As you may well know, the body is made mostly of water, and water is made of hydrogen and oxygen atoms — that’s basic chemistry. The hydrogen atom contains incomprehensibly small protons. These protons are very sensitive to magnetic fields.

Under the MRI scanner’s magnetic field, the protons of the hydrogen atom rearrange themselves in the direction of the resultant magnetic field. The scanner then releases radio waves that knock these protons out of their alignment. Thereafter, the radio waves are turned off, causing the protons to realign. This realignment process produces faint radio signals that are picked up by sensitive receivers to create cross-sectional MRI images.

The imaging power of an MRI machine is measured in Tesla. As of 2019, there were 40.44 MRI units per million population in the United States. The popularity of MRI scanners comes as little surprise considering how useful and safe they are.

Parts of an MRI Machine

There are five main parts of a typical MRI machine. They are the magnet, gradient coil, radiofrequency coil, patient table, and computer system.

The magnet creates the machine’s large and stable magnetic field. Gradient coils produce gradients that allow for proper imaging. Radiofrequency coils transmit radio waves into the patient’s body. The patient table is where the patient lies to be scanned. The computer system creates readable MRI images.

Types of MRI Machines

There used to be a time when all MRI machines looked and worked the same. Long gone are those days! Today, there are different types and variations of MRI machines. Let’s briefly consider the three main ones.

1. Closed MRI

The closed MRI machines are perhaps the most traditional of all MRI machines. These machines come in the form of a large, narrow tube the patient lays in. The quality these closed MRI machines produce is usually top-notch, as the machines may have up to 3T strength — the highest possible in commercial scanners.

However, these machines are not the most comfortable to use because of their narrow tube sizes, particularly for fat and claustrophobic patients.

2. Open MRI

Open MRI machines, like closed MRI machines, require the patients to lie for the imaging process. However, unlike closed MRI machines, the clarity and overall quality of images open MRI machines produce are not great. This is due to the reduced number of magnets, producing a weaker magnetic field.

What open MRI machines lack in quality, they make up for in comfort, though. These machines are more comfortable for fat and claustrophobic patient as they do not have that “closed-up” feel of closed MRI machines.

3. 3 Tesla MRI

3 Tesla MRI machines are the best available in terms of quality and clarity of images. These machines usually have double the strength of traditional closed MRI machines, justifying their highly detailed images. The time for scans is also shorter with 3 Tesla MRI machines. The only real downside, of course, is the lack of patient comfort, particularly for claustrophobic patients.

MRI Machine Uses and Applications

MRI machines help medical practitioners to examine the inside of the body in a convenient, safe, and non-invasive manner. MRI imaging allows for analyzing body organs and examining suspected cancer cases, cysts, fibroids, etc.

CT Scan vs. MRI

CT (Computed Tomography) scans and MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) are two of the commonest imaging techniques used medically. Considering their interchangeable use for many conditions, it is understandable that many confuse them for each other. However, they are two very different scans. Below are some of their key differences.

1. Mode of imaging

The primary difference between the two is their mode of generating images. MRI scans use magnetic and radio waves to generate images, while CT scans use X-Rays, a form of ionizing radiation.

2. Safety

MRI scans do not involve any form of radiation and can, therefore, be said to be safer than CT scans. However, only a low and, essentially, harmless dose of radiation is used in CT scans, meaning they are also very safe. But the fact they still involve radiation means they aren’t advised for pregnant women.

3. Quality of images

Generally, MRI scans produce more detailed images than CT scans, making them perfect for viewing damage in soft tissues, ligaments, and hernia discs. CT scans also produce detailed images, but not just as extensive as MRI scans.

Your doctor can recommend either of the two, depending on the case at hand. Some of the factors doctors consider before choosing a scan are the level of detail needed, the medical reason for the scan, pre-existing conditions, and pregnancy status.

Open MRI vs. Closed MRI

The primary difference between open and closed MRI scanners is in the structure of the machines. As the name suggests, closed MRI machines provide more enclosure than open MRI machines. Usually, closed MRI machines come in narrow cylindrical containers, while open MRI machines have wider openings and are more exposed.

By implication, the open machines are more comfortable than their closed counterparts, especially to claustrophobic, fat, and anxious patients. On the other hand, closed MRI machines excel in the quality of images produced. Open MRI machines don’t have as many magnets and provide a weaker magnetic field.

What to Look for When Buying an MRI Machine

Buying an MRI machine is not as straightforward as it seems. Trust us. You need to ask several questions before you can settle on one that will be perfect for your company’s needs.

1. Used or New Equipment?

This is one of the critical questions you must answer when going to the market for an MRI machine. Let’s be upfront with you; not everyone needs a brand new MRI machine.

This is not to say the new ones aren’t as good — far from it — but they can cost as much as $2.1 million. When you compare this to refurbished machines that can go for as little as $200,000, you start to see our point.

Again, let us emphasize that the newer machines are usually better when we’re strictly talking quality. But for companies and businesses struggling financially, getting a used one, which assures a more than a reasonable level of quality at a far lower price, is the smarter option.

2. Type of MRI Machine

What type of MRI machine do you need? Do you want to prioritize detail or comfort? What type of patients are you expecting to have? What type of scans will you conduct? You need to answer all of these questions before going to the market to get an MRI machine.

Even the cheapest MRI machines still cost a lot. So, you have to be perfectly sure it is what you need before splashing money on them. There are many types of MRI machines. Generally, they can be open or closed. While the open MRI machines are more comfortable, their images are less detailed than the closed ones.

Therefore, if you expect to have kids and overweight patients, you should consider the open machines. This is just an example of the line of reasoning that should go into selecting a machine to buy.

3. Potential for Upgrade

There are different manufacturers and machines out there today. The better option for you is a machine with high upgrade potential. This means machines that allow for easy replacing of parts. Don’t settle for machines where the parts are challenging to get or do not allow easy replacement and upgrades.

MRI Machine Price Guide

On average, new MRI machines cost between $1,000,000 and $2,100,000, depending on the type you want to get. 3 Tesla machines usually cost the most. For refurbished machines, you will have to spend between $200,000 and $700,000.

Below are some of the popular brands and how much they cost.

  • GE Optima 450W 1.5 Tesla 70cm Wide Bore ($1,000,000 — $1,300,000)
  • Philips MR Ingenia Elition 3.0 Tesla Wide Bore 70cm ($1,200,000)
  • Siemens MAGNETOM Avanto Refurbished MRI Machines ($200,000 — $500,000)

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