Bitcoin Price Analyses — 2014 vs 2018: Is History Repeating Itself?

Meedah Group
2 min readAug 4, 2018


Not bragging or anything like that :), but this is one of the best time analyses of bitcoin price I’ve done yet!

Bitcoin Price Analyses — 2014 vs 2018

A lot of similarities to say the least between the trends in 2014 and now in 2018 for the bitcoin price.
Yes things have changed a great deal, including volume and participants etc etc.
BUT technical analysis stays very true especially over longer periods of time.

When all is said and done, these markets are “MAN MADE”.
They’ve been manipulated before (many times over) and will continue to do so using the same “patterns”.
One must remember that all the technical analysis tools, techniques, indicators etc are again — all “MAN MADE”.

I may be going off the point here, but as “they say” the “charts never lie”.
On the other hand, I may just be clutching at straws .. . . .

All jokes aside, this is a pivotal point in time for bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. With the Consensys gathering happening next week and the likes of #Teeka et al banging on about how this conference will be the catalyst for the next boom, I’m really not convinced anymore. Time is definitely of the essence so this week will be crucial to see if we actually soar past $10K to $12K

Or collapse like a limp bridge … to $6K (and lower).

Edited Aug 4, 2018. Originally posted on May 11, 2018 via CryptoKnowledge

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Meedah Group and its employees are not a licensed financial advisor. The information presented in this article is an opinion, and is not purported to be fact. Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are volatile instruments and can move quickly in any direction. Meedah Group and its employees are not responsible for any trading loss incurred by following this advice.



Meedah Group

Meedah Group Limited is a boutique consulting and advisory firm. @meedahgroup