How many days will it take to master Python programming?

Meenakshi Agarwal
5 min readMay 20, 2018


Python is an extensible and feature-rich programming language. Moreover, it helps professionals solve a wide range of technical and business problems. Consequently, the demand for Python developers is growing year by year. However, there are many misconceptions among programmers regarding the time required to learn Python. Here, I aim to address and dispel their confusion.

If you genuinely want to learn Python, then you should be the one to answer yourself. Why am I saying this? It’s because all of us possess unique abilities and tend to perform differently in various mental tasks. Hence, the learning curve could be shorter for some and longer for others. Anyway, let’s get to the point. Python is a very simple, elegant, and type-free programming language, making it relatively easy to learn. However, don’t just jump into learning Python; instead, take the time to stay, plan, and execute your development goals. As someone rightly said:

Just as a well-structured blueprint paves the way for a magnificent building, a thoughtfully crafted plan is the foundation of successful Python learning, leading you toward mastery one step at a time.

Hence, here’s a simple, clear, and comprehensive roadmap to support you learn Python. It is supported by logical reasons, statistics, data, and motivation:

Level 1: Beginner

Logical Reasons:

  • Python is a beginner-friendly programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and versatility.
  • Python’s popularity and demand in various domains, including web development, data analysis, and automation, make it a valuable skill.


  • Python consistently ranks among the top programming languages in popularity indexes like the TIOBE Index and PYPL.
  • The demand for Python developers continues to grow, with a significant number of job openings requiring Python skills.


Level 2: Intermediate

Logical Reasons:

  • Intermediate Python skills allow you to tackle more complex programming tasks and develop practical applications.
  • Exception Handling is crucial for writing robust code that gracefully handles errors and exceptions.


  • Python’s rich library ecosystem, including libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and Django, makes it a popular choice for data analysis and web development.
  • Python’s readability and expressiveness contribute to its increasing adoption in industry and academia.


Level 3: Advanced

Logical Reasons:

  • Advanced Python skills open doors to specialized domains like scientific computing, machine learning, and high-performance computing.
  • Concurrency and Multithreading enable you to write efficient, parallelized programs that make the most of modern hardware.


  • Python is widely used in machine learning and scientific computing libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and SciPy.
  • You must know all the steps to become a machine learning engineer.
  • Python’s versatility and community support make it a go-to language for developing complex and scalable applications.


Level 4: Expert

Logical Reasons:

  • Becoming an expert in Python positions you as a highly-skilled professional capable of tackling complex challenges and leading projects.
  • Expert Python knowledge opens up opportunities for research, consulting, and teaching roles.


  • Python’s popularity and demand continue to rise, with an increasing number of Python-related job postings and high average salaries.
  • Python’s open-source ecosystem and active community foster continuous growth and innovation.


  • Deepen your expertise in Python List by implementing advanced algorithms, Python optimization techniques, and data manipulation operations.
  • Master advanced concurrency and multithreading concepts, such as advanced synchronization techniques and parallel task coordination.
  • Explore high-performance computing using Python, including libraries like NumPy, Cython, and Numba.

Please note, consistent practice, hands-on projects, and continuous learning are key to mastering Python. Take advantage of online resources, tutorials, and coding challenges, and seek support from the Python community to enhance your skills.

Here are some excellent online Python references with their corresponding links that you can refer to:

  1. Python Documentation: The official Python documentation provides comprehensive resources, tutorials, and references for Python programming. [Link:]
  2. The official website for Python programming language offers a wealth of information, including tutorials, documentation, libraries, and community resources. [Link:]
  3. Real Python: A highly regarded platform that offers a vast collection of tutorials, articles, and video courses covering various Python topics and concepts. [Link:]
  4. W3Schools Python Tutorial: W3Schools provides a beginner-friendly Python tutorial with interactive examples and exercises to help you grasp the fundamentals. [Link:]
  5. Python This website offers a wide range of Python tutorials, from beginner to advanced level, covering various aspects of Python programming. [Link:]
  6. GeeksforGeeks Python: GeeksforGeeks provides an extensive collection of Python tutorials and articles, covering topics ranging from basic syntax to advanced concepts and algorithms. [Link:]
  7. Codecademy Python Course: Codecademy offers an interactive Python course that allows hands-on coding practice, making it an engaging way to learn Python. [Link:]
  8. Python Tutor: Python Tutor is a unique tool that helps visualize and understand Python code execution step-by-step, making it a valuable resource for learning and debugging. [Link:]
  9. Python List: List of Python Tutorials, Quizzes, Exercises, and Interview Questions to help raise competency level. [Link:]

In conclusion, remember that a successful Python learning journey is not just about reaching the destination of expertise but embracing the joy of continuous learning. As you dive into the world of Python, stay committed, be persistent, and never stop exploring the vast possibilities it offers. With determination and practice, you can unlock a world of opportunities and harness the power of Python to bring your ideas to life. Happy coding and may your Python journey be filled with growth and success!



Meenakshi Agarwal

Meenakshi Agarwal, 10+ years in IT. Managing, creating insightful tutorials, quizzes, and exercises in Python, Java, SQL, Selenium, C-Sharp.