Qualities of a Good Web Design that Enhance your Visibility

Meenu Thariyan
3 min readApr 26, 2017


Website is an important part of your growing business. If you have a business and don’t have a website, then you are losing great opportunities for your business. Hiring a web design is a difficult task. If you are building a new website ensure that it will be attractive, unique and convenient. A good web design will be easy to understand, navigate and provide a good customer experience. When you search on Google for getting information about anything and you will find the answer quickly, means that the site is designed in a perfect way.

There are some important things that any web designers should keep in mind when create a website. A good web design will build trust and credibility and so more users are getting attracted to the site. The most important part of a website is navigation. The quality website should be guiding the users to reach their expectations. Good navigation can make easy to switch between different pages of the website. The website is the visible aspect of any business. It plays important role in making impression about the business and visitors of that site. You should hire a professional web designer to in order to create a good visibility on the web.

People search for your website to know about the business before approaching. User interface, design and content are major visible factors in the website. Keep it simple and user friendly makes your website more credibility. For a bigger website it is important to have a search bar on the web page. Optimizing images and web pages will improve the speed of loading time. To promote business online a professionally designed website is must. Everyone search online for finding any information. The website is easy to update and keep people informed.

Important Qualities of a Web Design

Responsive Design

A responsive web design can make a good user experience easy to manage. In responsive design it will automatically adjust based on the screen size, platform and orientation. Responsive design makes your website viewing good on all devices. It only uses HTML and CSS for designing. Now Google is prioritizing mobile friendly sites to its search results. It is essential to optimize your website for mobile devices with responsive design.

Advantages of responsive web design

· Flexible

The contents and pages are automatically flexible with the responsive design.

· Cost effective

· Higher conversion rate

· Easy to manage and provide good user experience.

· Improve page speed


Quality content is an essential part of success of any website. The content is very important for Google search ranking. If your website has quality content then Google will rank high in search results. So your website visibility will increase and improve the conversion rates. Content provides information to users about the services and products they offer. A clear and easy to understand content will give a good idea about the website. Content will also play an important role for moving users to internal links. An internal link is text within the content that is directed to other pages of website. Keywords are the search term that we want to make visible our website on web. Keywords are unique and content is the best place to highlight this. Regularly update the content will provide more flexibility.

Update with new technologies

The technologies are changes almost every day. A web designer must be up to date with new technologies and should aware about how to use those technologies effectively.


The website must be easy to read, navigate and understand. To improve usability the site should be simple and attractive. Make the users to be stay with your site by well organized design and content. Another important thing is, the page will load fast as much as possible. Because if your site takes long time to load, the users will not wait for fully load the site. The consistent layout is important for improving the usability. Give a description with link will provide an information to users what that means.


Search engine optimization is the process of making a website more visible to search engine. This is very important for websites. A well optimized site will rank high in search engine. So more users can connect with your website and that will enhance your business.

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