Personal Data in the Web2 vs. Web3

2 min readJul 15, 2022

Web2 social media platforms — and not only them — are based on harvesting and misusing of everyone’s personal data. The personal data we don’t want to share. Yet, we somehow let the big players to collect it, use it, and sell it.

Maybe, we don’t really comprehend the consequences and risks that come with it. Maybe, we don’t really see the big players as threats to us. Maybe, we see the big players like the 1984’s Big Brother, someone you just must trust blindly…

We all know what big players do with our personal data. And we cannot take any actions to stop it. We just cannot run away their strong arms.

Some of you may argue we have the right to be forgotten. But does it really work in the way we need it to work? Is it enough? Does it protect us in the way we need to be protected? We don’t think so. But luckily, we have something else in our hands.

The Web3 has totally different mindset. A mindset for the future.

We don’t have to worry about our personal data in the Web3 because it is supposed to be built on the different cornerstones. Our identities in the Web3 environment might correspond to our real-life identity or might not. And that’s it.

In the Web2 every time we go online, we are being spied on. And we cannot do much about it. In the Web3 — on the other hand — we are working with our wallets. Our footprint and identity are bound to the address we use with in the Web3.

What is the main benefit? We can just start using another address. Literally anytime, we can burn all the bridges and become someone else. If you start feeling not right, you can just create a new one and start from the beginning. It’s your call.

Also, we use the Web3 platforms with the knowledge that what is once written in the blockchain, should be considered public. Basically, we know what is known.

Do you know what would happen if you tried to escape the algorithms of the big players who spy on us? Nothing. They would still know everything about you…





Algorithmic community building on Lens Protocol, based on the Web3 Footprint