The Magic of Advanced Asset Networking

2 min readJul 12, 2022

Let’s talk about the technology behind Meetvers! Followers of our social media surely heard about the Advanced Asset Networking (AAN). And since we’ve not explained the magic of it yet, we’ve decided to dedicate it this article.

The foundation of our Meetvers Search App is the Advanced Asset Networking. In short, we’re able to connect individual users based on their holdings and activities recorded in the blockchain.

It’s the new internet standard. It’s a Web3 way of networking.

In opposition to the current way of Web2, we’re only using data recorded in the EVM blockchains like Ethereum, Polygon, et cetera. This way, everyone is able to examine what is publicly known about themselves. Everyone knows what is known.

With Meetvers Search App, you’ll be able to search through Lens Profiles and get the addresses that have the most similarities with yours. You'll be able to do so real soon (July 2022)!

For example, you can find and follow the Lens Profiles that hold similar DAO token(s), NFTs, or basically any other ERC-20 token. It’s a whole new way of connecting people on the blockchain. It’s a whole new way of socializing.

In the future, you’ll be able to search among a variety of Web3 profiles and use our filters for specifications. You want to find out which tokens your fellow NFT collectors are holding? You want to find interesting people that are like you in Web3? You want to find new frens? The most convenient way is to use Meetvers!

Nowadays, we witness new SoFi protocols emerge but there is no convenient way to connect among its users. Sure, you can search for specific names or addresses, our aim, however, is to provide more automated way to connect communities in Web3. A better way to find your frens.

Advanced Asset Networking is more than just a networking system. Our algorithms searching on-chain data are capable of magical things and will be the foundation of Web3 one day. We are only at the beginning of an internet revolution.

Remember: harvesting personal data is so Web2!





Algorithmic community building on Lens Protocol, based on the Web3 Footprint