Breast Cancer Risk, Screening, and My Experience With NIRAMAI

Meghana Srinivas
4 min readOct 31, 2022


“Knowledge does not change behaviour. We’ve all encountered obese doctors and divorced marriage counsellors”

- Chip and Dan Heath

📖 Switch: How To Change Things When Change Is Hard

⚡ On the last day of #breastcancerawarenessmonth, I want to share my lived experience as someone who’s

🧪 worked as a cancer biologist,

⚰️ lost close loved ones to cancer (including my younger sister and paternal grandparents),

🏥 and why Niramai Health Analytix’s #breastcancer screening has been my most positive cancer testing experience to date.

Despite my awareness of my family’s cancer history, and of my risk factors in general, it’s been hard to motivate myself to undergo breast exams regularly.

Physical breast exams and mammograms felt invasive. And I managed to convince myself they were unnecessary, sticking to at-home breast exams.

When I was at Apollo for (unrelated) blood tests earlier this month, I saw they were offering a 10mins NIRAMAI breast cancer screening at INR 999. My friend convinced me it was a good idea. I had the time and money.

The Apollo receptionist came and (fairly loudly, it seemed to me) announced, “You can go upstairs for your breast cancer test now.”

Three people in the waiting room turned to look at me, with fear, pity, and relief in their eyes. Perhaps some surprise, too (that I don’t “look” like a cancer patient).

If I was alone, I definitely would have bailed at that moment. But with my friend by my side, I decided to see it through.

👩🏻‍🔬 I could immediately, viscerally, feel the difference and SOPs in place when the NIRAMAI techs asked me about my family’s cancer history, seated me in a covered booth, and explained how safe and private the entire procedure would be.

🙆🏻‍♀️ They demonstrated the poses I’d need to assume, explained the purpose of each, and asked for my consent at every step of the process.

❤️‍🩹 It was truly an exercise in a human-centric, trauma-informed experience- apart from the ease and expertise of the thermalytix process itself (you can read more here, if interested), I was impressed by how non-invasive and radiation-free it is.

📥 The entire process took 10–15mins, as promised. I received a detailed report via e-mail the next day, and the staff requested me to spread the word- something I’ve done with every woman I’ve encountered since.

Major props to Geetha Manjunath and the entire NIRAMAI team! Incredibly inspiring origin story, and truly impactful tech.

🧬 Genetic testing for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 (acronyms for BReast CAncer gene) variants is a highly recommended step, for BOTH women and men (also for children) with first and second degree relatives who have had reproductive cancer diagnoses.

👩🏽‍🦱 Women with harmful variants have higher lifetime risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers, as well as fallopian tube and primary peritoneal cancer (with slightly increased risk for pancreatic and other reproductive cancers),

🧔🏻‍♂️ Men with harmful variants have higher lifetime risk of developing breast and prostrate cancers, and slightly increased risk of pancreatic cancer,

🧒🏻 Children who inherit certain variants of BRCA 1&2 are at increased risk of Fanconi anemia, a rare syndrome associated with childhood solid tumours and acute myeloid leukemia (source)

There are oncologists who specialise in genetic counselling and testing, and would be best placed to understand and personalise your journey.

Even if you are a previvor (someone with these or other oncogenes) there are so many ways to prevent and treat cancer development proactively! Please don’t let the fear hold you back from seeking screening.

Testing and learning more about difficult topics, especially when they’re engulfed in grief or trauma, can feel like a mammoth task. It’s okay to start small, and it’s important to take the first step.

Scientific advancements mean that a #cancer diagnosis, including breast cancer, can be done at Stage 0 and/or precancerous stages. And no matter the diagnosis or its degree, there are always options; #earlydetection is key to more, better, life-enhancing options.

Please keep in mind that I’m not a medical professional, and all recommendations here are based on my (limited) research and understanding.

🎀🎗️ There’s so much more to effective breast cancer awareness than pink ribbons or products. To better understand everything from early symptoms to mammograms to mastectomies, here is a calendar of excellent resources for everyone on this journey, from those just learning about breast health, to those starting their treatment journey, to others with many years of survivorship behind them:

Stay safe and healthy. I wish you and your loved ones a joyous and long life.

🍁 I hope this knowledge empowers you to take action.



Meghana Srinivas

Teacher. Feminist. Fanatic about frameworks and caffeine. TrustIn_Tech founder and full time bleeding heart. Alumnus @UCBerkeley and @TeachForIndia