A Guide to Creating a MyEtherWallet wallet

Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2017


To receive MGX tokens, you’ll need a digital wallet to store your MGX tokens. This guide shows you how to create the digital wallet on MyEtherWallet, that can be used to hold Ethereum and other ERC20 tokens.

  1. Head on over to https://www.myetherwallet.com make sure the URL is HTTPS instead of HTTP. There has been known attempts of phishing.

2. Type in a password of your choice and select “Create New Wallet”.

Main page

3. Click on “Download Keystore File (UTC / JSON)” to save your Keystore file, this file is needed to access your wallet, it’ll be saved into your computer. Select “I understand, Continue” to continue.

4. Save your Private Key, we highly recommend printing the out paper wallet for safekeeping, this will be your backup to access your MyEtherWallet wallet in the event of losing the Keystore file.

5. To access your wallet, click on “Send Ether & Tokens”, select “Keystore File (UTC / JSON)”, Click “SELECT WALLET FILE…” and choose your keystore file. Enter your password and hit “Unlock”.

6. Your wallet address is displayed on the right, this will be the address you can use to receive Ethereum, MGX tokens or any other ERC20 tokens. You may send ETH to our wallet to purchase MGX tokens by keying in our address in the “To Address” field.

7. To check on your token balance, click on “Load Token Balances” and a whole list of ERC20 Tokens will be displayed. Look out for MEGAX’s ticker MGX.

If you’re contributing with fiat currency (USD/SGD) or during our pre-sale, we will be issuing the tokens manually, give up to 48 hours after submitting your information for verification for the tokens to show up.

During the public sales (17 Oct 2017 onwards) for contributions using Ethereum, it’ll be based on a smart contract, tokens will be issued after submission and verification of your personal information.



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Spendable tokens on the retail platform and network $MGX