2 min readSep 1, 2023



Glue ear, also known as otitis media with effusion (OME), is a disorder where the middle ear fills with a sticky fluid, generally as a result of a buildup of mucus and other fluids. For children in particular, this may result in temporary hearing loss. The following tips and remedies may help reduce the symptoms of glue ear, but it’s crucial to seek a medical professional’s advice for a precise diagnosis and treatment strategy:

Consult a Doctor: It’s crucial to visit a doctor for an accurate assessment and diagnosis if you believe you or your child has a sticky ear. If there is an infection, they could advise taking medication, having ear tubes surgically inserted in extreme situations, or simply “watching and waiting.

Warm Compress: A warm, moist compress can be used to ease pain and lessen swelling in the afflicted ear.

Nasal Saline Drops: Nasal saline sprays or drops might assist in easing nasal congestion, which may enhance Eustachian tube function if allergies or sinus congestion are contributing factors to the sticky ear.

Keep Ear Dry: Avoid getting too much moisture in the afflicted ear, as this might cause infection. When showering or swimming, put earplugs in your ears or cover a cotton ball with petroleum jelly.

Before taking tips and remedies for glue ear, you should always get medical counsel before attempting any of these, and while managing glue ear, especially when it persists or gets worse, heed their recommendations. Also, in cases with severe or persistent glue ear, these treatments should not be used in place of appropriate medical care.

