A Meaningful Quote…Majority Acceptance

Megan Bald
2 min readNov 21, 2021

“A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by a majority.”

Booker T. Washington

While I absolutely believe in this statement, the terms being referenced (lie, truth, wrong, right, evil, and good) are frequently viewed as subjective and even gauged.

For instance, is it a ‘lie’ or ‘truth’ that Christopher Columbus discovered America? Well, that would depend on who you asked, a native American or King Ferdinand of Spain (the man who sent Columbus to discover the ‘New World’).

Moreover, the terms ‘wrong’ and ‘right’ and ‘evil’ and ‘good’, in my opinion, don’t really need any kind of examples of subjectiveness. However, gauging the levels of these terms is noteworthy. Can something be ‘a little right or wrong’? Can something be ‘very evil or good’? Absolutely, if you need references just check out our legal system. Our legal system is based on gauging offenses: murder vs. manslaughter, assault vs. assault with a deadly weapon. Another good reference of gauging good and evil and right and wrong is various religions. Religious beliefs may indicate that a really good act may be compensated with a really good reward, and vice-a-versa.



Megan Bald

Healthcare provider of 13+ years turned freelance writer. Short Story Author. Poet. Informative & Opinionated Wordsmith.